Sunday, August 25, 2024

Floods of Life



The summer season always sees its fair share of floods.  Whether it is flooding from summer hurricanes across the country or flash flooding in rural areas near rivers and lakes due to an immense amount of rain in a brief period of time, flooding can arrive so quickly.  Often when the floods come quickly and unannounced, those in the line of flooding are not prepared.  Before they know it, the water is rising, and quick decisions need to be made.  I am reminded of the “Mother’s Day Flood” of 2006.  The river behind our home crested unexpectedly and we found ourselves making provisions for our family to stay safe.

Flooding can be like that.  There are times, especially with hurricanes, when the weather folks can share with us ahead of time to ensure we are prepared.  We have time to pack necessary items, prepare our homes the best we can, and head to safer ground.  When we are able to prepare, the safety of our family members is higher and chances our homes can withstand the flooding could be greater.   Preparation can yield positive results.

There are other moments when the flooding comes upon us without warning, creating a moment of fast decision making and chaos.  Without a preparation plan, the flooding hits us quickly, without the ability to execute a plan and drives us to take action that may not prove to be correct.  Instead of driving from flood waters, in a moment of panic, we can drive towards the flood waters.  The lack of preparation can yield disastrous results.

I cannot help but think of how the floods of life can overtake us in a similar fashion.  There are times when we can see the flood coming, where the impact of life can present itself in slow motion, and we have time to prepare for the ‘flood’ that is coming our way.  We can see the mound of debt that we have created flooding our way and can take action to stop it and help it to recede.  We can feel a health crisis that would flood our life and can make health appointments to help navigate its effects.  There are also times when we cannot see the flood coming.  A sudden loss of job without warning; a sudden loss of a loved one; a health diagnosis we were not expecting.  All of these can yield trouble we were not expecting, floods that surround us with no warning. 

Whether we find ourselves in times of anticipated flooding or sudden flooding, there is a way we can prepare!  We can hold fast to the faith in Jesus and the love and hope only He can provide.  By having a faith rooted in Jesus’ love and hope, we can manage whatever flooding comes our way.  Comfort in His Word, worshipping with fellow believers, thanking Him for all the blessings in our lives bring us closer to Jesus every day.  When flooding hits, we know who to turn to.  We KNOW that He is our every-present help.  Jesus will be there for us as we pray during an expected flood as much as He will be there for us in the moments of a flash flood.  As decisions need to be made, let Jesus guide you through those decisions.  May the knowledge of knowing Jesus is with you for each and every step, providing you love and hope, be your safety zone in the floods of life!  Just have simple faith!

Oh Jesus, thank you for being our refuge and strength when floods come our way.  May we go to you – in preparation for the flood or in the moment of our sudden floods – knowing you will always be our hope.  In your name we pray, Amen!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Helping Others


The difference between winter in New England and all of the other seasons is that in winter, we do not see our neighbors much.   All the other seasons have many of us outside in our yards, many times engaging in yard work or enjoying time relaxing.  When others are outside doing the same, there is a wonderful attraction to ‘go chat’ and see what is happening in their lives.  Many times, it is discussions of family events or just the weather.  This time to catch up provides us an opportunity to quickly check in and ensure all is okay. 

Making those connections helps when there may be a need to help.  One neighbor was having some difficulty with their sprinkler system – my husband assisted.  We had a tree fall down on our property; neighborhood teens came over to lend a hand.  Being able to see neighbors in need, and lending a helping hand, is part of sharing God’s love with others.  He wants us to connect, He wants us to help, He wants us to carry each other’s burdens.

This is easier to accomplish when you can see what the other person needs.  There are times when we see someone struggling yet we may think:

·         They are strangers; I do not know them.

·         I do not have the skill of what they need.

·         I am rushing myself; I do not have the time.

·         I am certain someone else will help them.

Those thoughts get in the way of us doing what Jesus wants us to do.  Stepping in and asking can be half the battle.  Letting that person know they are not alone in this struggle can be exactly what they need, whether we have the skills to assist or not.  I know I can be guilty of rushing through life and not always taking the time to help.  I need to do better.  We need to do better.  We can be Jesus’ love here on earth.  Let us not just reach out to those we can SEE who are struggling.  There are those we cannot see.  Reach out to those as well.  Share a quick text to let them know you are thinking of them.  Better yet, pick up the phone so they can hear your voice!  The best thing we can do?  Talk to God on their behalf.  You may not know WHAT they need but God does and is always there to hear our prayers!  Let us show others what Jesus’ love is all about!

Dearest Jesus, help us to reach out with your love!  May we help those we see who are struggling along with those we cannot see.  Help us to provide for their needs!  Amen!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Unseen Hope


Summer days can be filled with outside activities that keep us busy from sun up to sun down.  Time tending to gardens, partaking in summer sports, spending time by the lake or ocean, playing with our children at the park, enjoying summer vacations, achieving the long list of projects for the house – all of this can keep us from time to rest.  It seems as if that is how our summer has been going, ensuring we are meeting many commitments without time to relax on our deck.

Therefore, when an hour presented itself to my husband and me a few days ago, we took it!  We found our place on the deck furniture and sat.  We put our phones down, we got comfy, and we closed our eyes.  We took advantage of a peaceful moment.  I was also able to focus on other things that may have eluded me during this busy season.  Keeping my eyes closed, I listened.  I could hear the rustle of the summer breeze through the trees – unseen but heard.  I smiled as I heard the birds chirping deep in the trees – unseen but heard.  I could hear the squeals of little ones as they jumped into our neighbor’s pool – unseen but heard.  I could hear myself breathing – unseen but heard.

A sense of peace enveloped me.  I could feel a smile come to my face.  The unseen was providing me comfort, rest, and hope.  Hope that I could regain energy that I seemed to have lost.  Hope that I could let go for a few brief moments of the commitments of life and enjoy rest.  Hope that in the unseen I have found peace. 

My friends, this is what our Lord Jesus has given us.  Although we do not see Him, He envelopes us with His peace and gives us hope.  It is in the hope of the unseen today that we will see Him in eternity.  When we open our eyes from rest, we see this world.  This world is not our eternity.  What we see with our eyes today is the temporary home Jesus has given us.  The unseen home of heaven is where we will be able to rest in His arms.  May the peace of the unseen on earth bring us hope for what we will see in paradise.

Jesus, thank you for your ultimate sacrifice.  By your death on the cross, I will have eternal life with you in paradise.  Although I may not see your face today, my eternity will be by your side.  Amen!

Sunday, August 4, 2024




Awww, the Olympics.  I have always enjoyed watching the Olympic games.  I would not say I am an ‘avid’ sports fan.  I enjoy watching football in the fall and an occasional baseball game at the local ballpark.  Yet, there is something about the Olympics that always draws my attention.  Upon reflection, I realize it is not just ‘one thing’ that lures me in, but a multitude of areas that tug at my heart.

·       Countries competing in peace!  I realize not every Olympic game has seen peaceful times, yet more than not have enjoyed peaceful competition between countries that are typically at odds.  It helps us to understand that although we may have differing opinions on certain topics, there are areas where we can come together.  Paul shares that with us in Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

·       Individuals doing their best!  Each competitor comes to the games to do their personal best.  They aim to perform at their personal best, searching for the end result.  It is about getting to the end in victory.  Whether it is swimming their fastest lap, running their quickest time, performing their best routine, the goal is to persevere to the end.  We all can work towards our personal best on the path God has laid out for us.  Hebrews 12: 1-2 shares, “…And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

·       Humble victory!  I tend to route for the underdog, those who were not expected to win or who receive a medal in their sport that has not seen a medal for a long time – or ever!  Those competitors who enter the ‘arena’ with humility, wanting to do their absolute best to represent their country, and surprise themselves and others with a place on the podium amaze me.  I think of ‘miracle on ice’ in 1980 between the US and the Soviet Union at the time.  This humble team of hockey players banded together to win Olympic gold.  I was reminded of that team when the US men’s gymnastics team recently won bronze – the first medal since 2008 or Daniel Wiffen, the swimmer from Ireland who won his country its first Olympic medal in swimming.  The humble come forth in victory.  This is what our Lord promises us in today’s verse in Psalm 149:4, “For the Lord takes delight in his people, He crowns the humble with victory.”

Jesus shows up every day for us.  He never leaves us; He never forsakes us.  When we walk this earth in His name, with humility, and strive to run the race He has given us in peace with others, He will crown us victorious.  May we be the champions for Christ, striving to do our personal best as we win the greatest reward, eternal life in Christ.

Heavenly Father, you provide to us our own “Olympic stage” to live with you on earth and to dwell with you forever in paradise.  May we continue to be reminded of that each day we live our lives here until we see your face in heaven.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.