Sunday, August 11, 2024

Unseen Hope


Summer days can be filled with outside activities that keep us busy from sun up to sun down.  Time tending to gardens, partaking in summer sports, spending time by the lake or ocean, playing with our children at the park, enjoying summer vacations, achieving the long list of projects for the house – all of this can keep us from time to rest.  It seems as if that is how our summer has been going, ensuring we are meeting many commitments without time to relax on our deck.

Therefore, when an hour presented itself to my husband and me a few days ago, we took it!  We found our place on the deck furniture and sat.  We put our phones down, we got comfy, and we closed our eyes.  We took advantage of a peaceful moment.  I was also able to focus on other things that may have eluded me during this busy season.  Keeping my eyes closed, I listened.  I could hear the rustle of the summer breeze through the trees – unseen but heard.  I smiled as I heard the birds chirping deep in the trees – unseen but heard.  I could hear the squeals of little ones as they jumped into our neighbor’s pool – unseen but heard.  I could hear myself breathing – unseen but heard.

A sense of peace enveloped me.  I could feel a smile come to my face.  The unseen was providing me comfort, rest, and hope.  Hope that I could regain energy that I seemed to have lost.  Hope that I could let go for a few brief moments of the commitments of life and enjoy rest.  Hope that in the unseen I have found peace. 

My friends, this is what our Lord Jesus has given us.  Although we do not see Him, He envelopes us with His peace and gives us hope.  It is in the hope of the unseen today that we will see Him in eternity.  When we open our eyes from rest, we see this world.  This world is not our eternity.  What we see with our eyes today is the temporary home Jesus has given us.  The unseen home of heaven is where we will be able to rest in His arms.  May the peace of the unseen on earth bring us hope for what we will see in paradise.

Jesus, thank you for your ultimate sacrifice.  By your death on the cross, I will have eternal life with you in paradise.  Although I may not see your face today, my eternity will be by your side.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.