Sunday, August 18, 2024

Helping Others


The difference between winter in New England and all of the other seasons is that in winter, we do not see our neighbors much.   All the other seasons have many of us outside in our yards, many times engaging in yard work or enjoying time relaxing.  When others are outside doing the same, there is a wonderful attraction to ‘go chat’ and see what is happening in their lives.  Many times, it is discussions of family events or just the weather.  This time to catch up provides us an opportunity to quickly check in and ensure all is okay. 

Making those connections helps when there may be a need to help.  One neighbor was having some difficulty with their sprinkler system – my husband assisted.  We had a tree fall down on our property; neighborhood teens came over to lend a hand.  Being able to see neighbors in need, and lending a helping hand, is part of sharing God’s love with others.  He wants us to connect, He wants us to help, He wants us to carry each other’s burdens.

This is easier to accomplish when you can see what the other person needs.  There are times when we see someone struggling yet we may think:

·         They are strangers; I do not know them.

·         I do not have the skill of what they need.

·         I am rushing myself; I do not have the time.

·         I am certain someone else will help them.

Those thoughts get in the way of us doing what Jesus wants us to do.  Stepping in and asking can be half the battle.  Letting that person know they are not alone in this struggle can be exactly what they need, whether we have the skills to assist or not.  I know I can be guilty of rushing through life and not always taking the time to help.  I need to do better.  We need to do better.  We can be Jesus’ love here on earth.  Let us not just reach out to those we can SEE who are struggling.  There are those we cannot see.  Reach out to those as well.  Share a quick text to let them know you are thinking of them.  Better yet, pick up the phone so they can hear your voice!  The best thing we can do?  Talk to God on their behalf.  You may not know WHAT they need but God does and is always there to hear our prayers!  Let us show others what Jesus’ love is all about!

Dearest Jesus, help us to reach out with your love!  May we help those we see who are struggling along with those we cannot see.  Help us to provide for their needs!  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.