Sunday, May 12, 2019

Persevering Mamas

"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.  Romans 5:3-5  (NIV)
There are many reasons that Romans 5: 3-5 has become my mantra.
  • Timing - these verses came to light when I was in my darkest valley.  
  • Bold words - I have come to fully embrace words like suffering, perseverance, character and hope as words that are always held close to my heart, bringing full understanding.
  • Visual - the words that God gives in this passage I can truly see.  When I read this verse, I see the suffering, perseverance, character and hope of the one who died for ME.
  • Grace - in the end, it is God's love that brings all of these words together for truth.

This week, as I reflect on Mother's Day and my own Mom, the word that will always come to light is the word PERSEVERANCE.  If there is one person in my life that has always persevered, it has been Mom.  I have watched that perseverance through her own suffering, whether it was physical or emotional.  When life was difficult with my dad's illnesses, Mom didn't let that stop her from ensuring everyone - not just Daddy - was taken care of.  When life turned to her own illnesses, once again, her ability to persevere - moving forward despite difficulty or suffering - was seen in every thing she did.  Mom has never let her challenges define who she is.  She has always let God and his grace define her, which is why I couldn't have asked for a better spiritual mentor than Mom.  Thanks so much Mommy!!

As I reflect on times in my life that were tough, these verses have always been with me, showing me and guiding me that with God, I can rise out of the darkness and into the light.  Suffering can certainly bring us to a fork in the road.  Instead of going left or right, I see it as either going out or in.  I can either retreat into myself and wallow in self pity and despair, or I can go out and seek God, who will bring me out of the suffering and into a level of moving forward despite suffering - perseverance.

I have had the honor to meet many mamas who have persevered throughout their lives.  Whether it was a challenging marriage, challenging children, challenging circumstances, or a challenging spirit, I have watched these women move from the suffering that they were enduring and knew that there was only one way out - perseverance.  I thank God for these shining examples of not only what it is like to keep going, but to do so with love in their hearts.

Today, as we celebrate mothers, I thank all of you who may read this.  Know that the most important one to see all that you do every day is God.  God knows the challenges you face as you put that foot out of the bed in the morning and He is with you every step thereafter.  Persevere Mama!  There is strength within you that is given to you by God.  Feel that strength!!

Dearest Father, thank you for providing perseverance and strength to us.  The boldness that we gather as we move through suffering helps us to appreciate the journey we are on.  Please continue to bless us with the courage to go to You always and live in your light.  In your gracious name I pray, Amen~~

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.