Sunday, May 5, 2019

Glory in Suffering

"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.  Romans 5:3-5  (NIV)

"I've got this!"  Those words rang through my mind.  Well, if we are being honest, those weren't the FIRST words that rang through my mind.  It was more like, "Maybe they are wrong."  When the doctor said, "You have cancer," my initial thoughts were filled with "maybe" statements versus the "I've got this" statement.  I had taken the glass-half-full philosophy throughout all the testing and the biopsy.  Once I wrapped my head around the words they had shared, and had my moment of tears, I decided it was about moving forward.  Those positive days were short-lived.

The optimism that I promised myself I would have and would share with others turned into difficult thoughts and difficult days.  The "what if" thoughts ran through my mind and optimism was overshadowed with despair.  As I reflect upon that time and the feelings I had, the negative seemed to build up even greater when I added on top of it a failing marriage and a daddy who went to be with Jesus.  The suffering seemed insurmountable.

The weight that was on my shoulders, and my heart, came to a crossroads one day when I didn't think I could go on.  Did you see the most important pronoun in that sentence - "I"?  The time had come for me to go to the foot of the cross.  That is what I literally did.  I went to church on a weekday while nobody was in the sanctuary and I sat at the cross and told Jesus I knew He was bigger than me, stronger than me, greater than me, and that I couldn't do it anymore.  It was then that Jesus said, "I've got this"!  My friends, when Jesus says those words versus when I say those words, that's when there is glory!!

Throughout the years since then, when tough times have come upon me, I have realized that it is then that we should glorify God the most!  Yes, it's always good to share the glory of God, but when life seems to be getting the best of us, take a step back to realize that we have a God who is there fighting with us, standing right there on our most difficult days, to let us know we are not alone.  We have a heavenly Father who can say, "I've got this" with far greater confidence than we have.

Trials and tribulations can overcome us.  Some days, those sufferings are not ours but are those of people we hold close.  Medical conditions, addictions, failing relationships, and depression are just a few of the many sufferings we may be dealing with either ourselves or with those around us.  It can be just as hard watching a loved one go through difficult times as it is to endure them ourselves.  Yet, let us remember to give glory to God - especially in times of suffering and difficulty.  It is in these difficult situations that we find God's strength, that we find our reliance on the Holy One, and that we find out that growth to a better tomorrow can happen when we glorify the one who brings hope.  These sweet verses have become my mantra over the years to pull me up and keep me going - to bring me the hope I need during tough times.  I pray they do the same for you.

Heavenly Father, when we glorify you in our sufferings, we know then that we are not alone.  We have you on our side saying, "I've got this" when we know we can't handle it.  Our prayers and praises need to ring out so we can shout with thanksgiving that our God can bring us the hope of salvation.  Thank you God!!  Amen~

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.