Sunday, February 2, 2020

Temptation Suffering

There it was, plain as day this Sunday, that ugly word - TEMPTATION. Think about it.  When have you ever heard the word temptation in a positive light?  Rarely do we say, "Boy, was I tempted by that plate of broccoli!"  Now, replace the word broccoli with any type of cookie and I can relate.  Temptation seems to be all around us; from the temptations that pull us away from those resolutions we made in January to those that enhance our sinful nature.

Whenever I'm tempted, I feel as if I'm very alone.  I'm the only one on the receiving end of the temptation.  It's not like there is an army of people there with me - fighting off the devil and his tempting ways.  Yes, the temptation could be something as simple as that cookie calling my name as I try to stay on a healthy eating plan.  It could also be something much more damaging - the devil tempting me with a lack of self confidence as I try to stay strong, tempting me to partake in gossiping behavior, tempting me to deny my Lord on skip Sunday services.  Temptation is truly all around us.

There is Good News in our fight of temptations.  WE ARE NOT ALONE.  We have the One who endured greater temptations, than any of us, on our side.  We have the One who endured the face of the devil on many occasions.  We have the One who understands our suffering when tempted because HE has suffered when tempted himself.   We have the only One who can help us when we are tempted - Jesus Christ!

With Jesus on our side, we have the only one we need standing with us!  As long as we go to Him when tempted, He can help us and guide us away from temptation into the glorious light!  With Jesus, we can break the temptations that are with us every day and live a life that hails Him as our true Savior.  With Jesus, we can rest in the peace of knowing He has this fight for us - AND WE WILL WIN!

Whatever temptations you may be facing, addictive behaviors, sinful natures, etc., know and believe that we have what it takes to resist those temptations.  We have a loving God who is standing right next to you, defeating what the devil has put in front of you.  With God on our side, we will be triumphant!

Heavenly Father, thank you for being with us and fighting the temptations that surround us every day.  May your love reach our hearts and minds so we know we are not alone.  Help us to say NO to those things that may hurt us and bring us to your loving side.  In your gracious name we pray, Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.