Sunday, January 26, 2020

Inside Beauty

I had an apple the other day.  Nothing special.  I'm sure many of us feast on this fruit often.  Yes, I was a bit ravished and was very much looking forward to this apple.  It was bright and shiny red on the outside - looking oh so yummy.  I have to share, the apple didn't disappoint.  As I munched away, it truly was delicious.  Until I hit the core.  I munched a little too far and hit the core!  Not as yummy as the rest of the apple.  I looked at that core, and certainly didn't see the beauty I had seen when I first started.  No beautiful color.  No yummy goodness.  In fact, pretty ugly - until I saw the seed!

I looked at that seed and thought for some time.  With that seed, another tree grows.  With that seed, the sun and water will give it strength.  With that seed, the tree will sprout leaves and buds.  With that seed, hundreds of apples will be produced.  One seed!  

So often, I see the world, and myself, like that apple.  I may see others, and myself, as bright and shiny on the outside, portraying an image of happiness, well-being and confidence.  As we "munch" away at self and others, we still have a sense of "yummyness".  We believe that things are fine and an air of perfectionism and awesomeness may ring through our lives - everything is under control and all is well.  

Then we go a little further.  We begin to feel the agony of a soul that is strained.  The guilt of past mistakes haunt us.  The ugliness of lies and deceit may envelope us.  On the outside all is well, life is bright and shiny.  Yet, as we peel away, we begin to see the "ugliness" of our core.  When I reflect on areas of my life such as that, it scares me.  The mistakes that may have been made and the decisions that I knew were wrong - all leading to a core that isn't bright and shiny.

Then there is the seed - our hearts.  This is where our God lives.  It is in our hearts that we know the love God gives us.  It is in our hearts that we feel God's greatest sacrifice for our sins.  It is in our hearts, our seed, that we grow through His grace and mercy.  Our hearts - that will produce new lives for us, and for those around us.  Our hearts that can sprout new beginnings, new choices, new adventures in His love.  One seed - one heart.  All that ugliness of our core really reaches further to a heart filled with love.  Yes, that may be a lot from one little apple.  Our God making so much from our one heart!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for reaching past our shiny exteriors to our ugly cores into our grateful hearts.  Help us to always know that you have taken our difficult cores and have made them beautiful with your love and grace.  May our souls rejoice in your goodness!  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.