Sunday, July 26, 2020


The other morning I woke to a sky of fog.  As I peered out the window, the fog of the day seemed to fit my mood.  I began my morning routine as always, yet, my mind seemed to be a bit "foggy".  This is odd for me, as I typically have great clarity and planning for my day.  Yet, today seemed different.  Driving off to work, I passed golfers on the first tee.  They were blindly hitting their ball in the direction of the "flag", not being able to see anything.  I thought of how "purposeless" that must be, and then discovered I was doing the same thing - headed off to the direction of my "flag", aka work, without much clarity.

Half way through the morning I had realized something.  My lack of clarity had resulted in me going about my day without the same structured purpose I expect from myself.  I was following distractions which led to the purpose of my day to wane.  I needed some direction, some focus.  I needed to move out of the "fog" and into the "light".  There is only one person who can do that for me - Jesus!  I opened my Bible app to find a verse about rising up out of the fog and our verse for today popped up.  How true - my clarity needed to be Jesus - seeing HIM face to face.  

The root cause of my fogginess, whether it be a morning or a time in my life, has typically been attributed to my lack of diving into Jesus.  Maybe I skip it "just once" in order to begin the challenges of the day.  Maybe I skipped prayer time to look over a few emails before work.  Maybe I chose a different radio station other than Christian music to start my day (although fully knowing my Christian music centers my mind on the right things).  

When I turn my face away from my Heavenly Father and focus it on my reflection in the mirror, I lose my way.  I lose my clarity.  I become foggy.  My dear Lord provides me the love and direction I need to move through every day, and He's always waiting for me to come back to Him when I need a change in my reflection.  Gaining ground in Jesus and His love pulls me closer to Him and helps me to know what is truly important - the love of my Lord.  I have read 1 Corinthians 13 a hundred times and this verse never made an impression.  That foggy day, it cleared my head and provided me refocus.  Jesus took me out of the fog and gave me the clarity I needed.  The rest of my day?  Purposeful and joyful - for I knew the One that loves me more than anything took my hand and guided me to Him.  This verse reminded me that one day, I will see Him face to face and I will never be foggy again~~

Dearest Jesus, thank you for giving me just what I needed on that foggy day - clarity.  Through your word you showed me that if I changed my direction and took my view away from MY reflection and moved it to YOU, the fog would be lifted.  Thank you, for guiding me always to what is best for me.
In your name we pray, Amen~

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.