Sunday, August 30, 2020

Under the Mask


Halloween and masquerade parties.  That seemed about the only times when we would don a mask.  Whatever the occasion, we typically would wear a mask in order to be someone else - someone scary, fun, famous.  The whole purpose behind a mask is so we wouldn't show our true selves.  

Fast forward through the last few months of 2020, and we find masks donning our faces almost every time we leave our homes - whether it be school, work, church, shopping, etc.  We now wear masks for a completely different reason, safety.  The goal behind wearing a mask today is so that we don't transmit our germs and we stop others' germs from reaching us.  

What I have come to realize in both situations with masks is that, whether we want to or not, we hide ourselves.  Halloween and masquerade masks covers up our own face and features, taking on the role of the mask character.  We don't see anything but that character.  With the masks that we wear for safety purposes, it is also difficult to see the full person under the mask.  You can't see someone smile or frown.  You can't see someone laugh (although you may hear them).  You can't see someone cringe.  All you see is the mask.  We have no idea what is happening under the mask.  

I find that frustrating as I am a person who loves to watch people's facial expressions.  Many times I am asking myself, "What is happening under that mask?"  What difference does it make?  I want to know if someone is happy or sad.  I'd like to try to help if I can, share a word of encouragement if it can help. Yet, there are other masks we wear.  Maybe we put on a mask of happiness when we are sad, a mask of joy when we are in pain.  For those around us, they see our mask.  Inside we may only feel hurt.   Our masks don't need to be made of cloth, they can be what we show the world.  

There is only one who can fully see us, regardless of what we are covering.  His eyes are everywhere and can fully see us under our masks.  God can see what is happening.  God sees us at all times, and knows our hearts at all times.  Not only can He see under our masks, He can see our hearts, our souls.  He understands when we are in pain, when we are struggling, when life is hard.  Jesus sees the good and the bad, the joy and the pain, and He is there for ALL of it.  Through a Bible verse or a friend, a whisper or a megaphone, Jesus can reach behind our masks and see all we are feeling.

These days there is much pain and hurt.  There is much anticipation and frustration.  There is much anxiety and worry.  Whatever mask you may be wearing, know that Jesus is here for you, to help and guide us past whatever we need to hide to the light of His world.  May He fill your heart and soul with hope and love, ensuring that whatever mask you may be wearing is covering your joy.

Heavenly Father, thank you for seeing under our masks and into our hearts and souls.  Help to heal whatever hurt we may have and bring us to the light of your world.  May your love be given to us freely so that we may give it to others.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.