Sunday, November 22, 2020

Wonderfully Made


About a month ago, I woke up to a "frost on the pumpkin" kind of morning.  There was a glaze of frost on our deck and you could see the frost glistening on the lawn.  It's always such a pretty time of the day.  As I sipped my coffee on the deck that chilly morning, I turned around to see a spider web that had been "frosted".  It actually looked like I had taken string to make a spider web for Halloween!  It was so beautiful.  It was so wonderfully made by one of God's smallest creatures.  

I am always amazed at God's smallest of creatures.  The ant who has such strength although so small.  The spider who can build such beauty although so small.  The bee who brings pollen to buds for nourishment although so small.  These smallest of God's creations brings forward such incredible works during their lives.

There are days when I feel very small, like these small creatures.  It could be something someone said to me, accomplishments others have that I may be envious of, a failed relationships, or a situation that for another reaped great benefits and for me fell short.  Are there times in your life where you have felt small?  Where maybe you felt like you haven't "measured up"?

It is times like this that our verse for today is so very powerful.  God made each of us - each ant, each spider, each bee and, more importantly, each one of us!  God knitted our DNA to ensure we were one of a kind.  Just like the smallest of each of His creatures, we each have a wonderful purpose on this world - one given to us by God.  God only makes incredible goodness and that includes each of us.  

Although there may be times in our lives where we feel small and insignificant, God is there with this wonderful verse to remind us that we are "fearfully and wonderfully" made.  His purpose for our life can be seen in the gifts and talents He has given to us.  We may fall short in our eyes, but we never fall short in God's eyes.  He loves us more than we can imagine and He provides for us all that we need.  When we may be seeing ourselves as 'small', God sees us as 'great'.  If someone needs to see me as great - I certainly want it to be God!  

During this Thanksgiving holiday, may we be reminded not just of all that we HAVE but of all that we ARE, made with God's hands.  May we thank Him for his grace and mercy, for His patience and forgiveness, and for his love.  On the days when we may feel as small as a spider, let us remember that we are God's wonderful creations - here for His purpose of sharing God's love.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Heavenly Father, during this Thanksgiving, may we be reminded of all you have given to us.  We know that everything comes from your hands.  May our praises of joy and thanks be heard loud and clear.  Help us to remember we have been created by the Great Creator.  We are not small in your eyes - let our hearts reflect that.  In your loving name I pray, Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.