Sunday, December 19, 2021

Peace in Fear


It is hard to believe that in a few short days we will be celebrating Christmas.  Once again, it seems to have come upon us all too quickly.  We have walked through the Christmas story this Advent, exploring how it has provided us insight not to be afraid.  Whether it was Zechariah, Mary, or the shepherds, in Luke we found the words, “Don’t be afraid” surrounding the birth of Jesus.  Today, I move to Mark when Jesus, himself, states the words, “Don’t be afraid.”

In this context, Jesus is speaking to His disciples as he walks on water to the boat where the waves are tossing the disciples’ boat.  As they saw Jesus walking on the water, they cried out in fear.  Yet, Jesus calmed them and stated the words, ‘Don’t be afraid.’  That brought such peace that Peter was willing to step out of the boat onto the water and began walking towards Jesus. 

There have been many times in my life when I was afraid.  There were times when it was a physical nature, such as zip lining through the forest of Costa Rica or white-water rafting.  There were other times when I was fearful for health reasons, either my own journey with cancer or when others I loved were sick.  Other times, it was when I needed to step into a new chapter of my life, either a new job or a new relationship.  Just as the disciples on the boat, I was afraid.  It is in those moments that I needed to hear Jesus say, “Don’t be afraid.”

Oh, to be a disciple in that boat and be able to hear Jesus’ words directly!  How wonderful would it be to see Him walking in the horizon when I was fearful and have him utter those words!  Although Jesus may not be physically in front of me, His words ring loud and clear in the Bible.  His words come to life as I read them, impacting me in the way Jesus’ words impacted the disciples.

Jesus’ words of comfort in not being afraid brought the disciples peace.  They also bring me peace.  When I am troubled and afraid, Jesus’ words of not being afraid brings me the peace that I need.  The peace to move forward.  The peace to step out of the boat into Jesus’ hands.  The peace that passes all understanding.

How fitting that the fourth Advent candle is one of Peace!  Reflecting over the past three Sundays of Advent, we saw the candles represented in our ability not to fear.  The first candle is one of hope – prayer providing us hope.  The second candle is one of love – God displaying His love for Mary and us.  The third candle is one of joy – the joy of all the blessings God provides.  The fourth candle of peace – the peace we are afforded when Jesus utters the words, “Do not be afraid.”  I pray this Advent season has brought you the hope, love, joy, and peace you needed.  May you all enjoy a very Merry Christmas!

Dearest Jesus, your birth and life have taught us so much on why we should not be afraid.  When our lives get the better of us, please turn us towards you, Jesus, and may we hear your words, “Don’t be afraid.”  In your love, Amen.


1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family and may the New Year bring us hope,love,joy and peace .


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.