Sunday, December 11, 2022

Peace During Trials


I was at the nail salon today.  This is typically my ‘quiet’ time.  I have a wonderful nail technician who understands this.  Her interaction with me is just the right amount of chit chat and silence.  It is my time to just relax and not really think about anything.  Today’s visit started that way.  As I was sitting with Rossie filing my nails, I overheard a conversation between two other women.  They were both sharing their stories of sorrow.

One of the women was sharing how she didn’t know what she would do without her husband, that he was so good to her and her family.  He had cancer but was responding well to treatment and she was happy for that.  She continued to share how happy she was that he was in her life.  The woman next to her grew quiet.  I then heard sniffling and she shared how she had lost her husband over a year ago and is still grieving his passing.  She was obviously sad, and I could feel her pain three chairs down.

I listened to both these women and had lived moments similar to their situations in my life.  There were times in my life when sorrow overwhelmed my heart.  The days were filled with sadness and grief.  Trouble seemed to rule my life and happiness seemed to evade me.  We live in a broken world and there are times when brokenness finds us.  I sat in church one Christmas Eve, with no hair as chemo had taken that from me, wondering if I was ever going to get better.  Another Christmas Eve there was an empty chair next to my mom where my father used to sit before, he passed.  Those days were filled with trouble, and I was afraid.

This verse turned my world around.  When I would read this verse, it was as if Jesus was gently reminding me that I was not alone on these journeys.  During trials and tribulations, Jesus would be there to calm my anxious heart and share with me that He is in control and would give me what I would need to restore peace in my soul.  Jesus came to earth over 2000 years ago to give that gift to us.  Jesus came to give us the gift of peace – the peace that passes all understanding.  We can’t fathom what our lives would be like if Jesus wasn’t in it – and praise to God we don’t have to!  He gives us peace, freely.  When we have His peace, we have no need to be afraid.  Jesus is walking right beside us.

As I left the salon, I gave each woman a hug.  I didn’t know them, but it seemed to be what they needed – a stranger who knew that peace would surround them.  During this Advent season, may you know that our trials are opportunities for Jesus’ peace to blanket us and bring us closer to Him.  Take full advantage of that goodness.

Dearest Jesus, thank you for freely giving your peace to me.  During times of sadness and grief, may I always know that your peace is right beside me, providing me all I need that the world can’t give me.  Amen!


1 comment:

  1. This has tugged at my heart as I have experienced those times of pain, sorrow and depression...yet I have gotten through them because of my Lord. Thank you for the words of His strength which gives me peace.


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.