Sunday, December 4, 2022

Peaceful Blessings


The second Sunday of Advent and I am continuing on our peace journey.  Last week, we focused on the peace that we could gain if we turned our eyes and hearts away from the daily activities and focused on the one who was coming to bring peace to the world, Jesus.  I thought about that throughout the week as I tried to ‘practice what I write’ in an effort to engage more fully in peace. 

I also tried to remember when I had found true peace, the type of peace that washes over us.  There are many times when peace was found in the middle of trials.  When my own mind could not help me focus on what was correct in a troubling situation, I would turn to the Great Advisor, Jesus, for my answers.  As usual, when I did that, I found that I was able to have this incredible sense of peace that everything would turn out for good.

The other times that I have found peace are in the moments when time seems to stand still with goodness, with an abundance of blessings.  It is during those times, where I have been greatly blessed, that I find such happiness and peace.  Yes, those moments are usually found with my family.  Yet, they are moments that I keep in my heart, much like Mary at the birth of Jesus.  Those moments of peace fill not just one’s heart, but also one’s soul.

We often look to find peace when life is hard, and we need respite from the trials and tribulations we ensure.  Let us not lose heart!  It is also in the moment of incredible blessings that we also can find peace.  As always, we need to take a ‘pulse check’ during those moments to see how we are feeling.  Don’t lose sight of those moments and don’t let them pass you by.  Sit, and reflect.  Listen to those around you – the laughing, the chitchat.  Watch those around you – the hugs, the smiles.  All of it is blessings from Jesus - blessings to rejoice in, blessing to help us understand what real peace is.

During this Christmas season, as we prepare for Jesus’ arrival, listen, and watch to what is happening around you.  Let peace take over your soul as you realize the blessings that Jesus has given to you.  May the peace of Christmas last you throughout the year!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for providing blessings to abundant for us to count.  In those moments, may we reflect on those blessings and let the peace that can only come from you envelope our souls.  Amen!


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.