Sunday, May 18, 2014

Promise-filled Peace


There is something about the word "peace" that touches my soul.  When I think of the word, read about it, or actually speak the word, a tremendous stillness rushes over me.  It's a wonderful feeling - usually too difficult to express.  I do know that when I don't experience moments of peace for a period of time, my heart and head are unsettled.  

We all have times in our life when the troubles of today overcome us.  Maybe it is troubles with work, troubles with children, troubles with relationships.  Maybe it is troubles with just getting through the day - little things going wrong like spilled coffee or running late or "waking up on the wrong side of the bed". Trouble seems to be at every corner.  Have you had one of those days lately?  Are you in the middle of troublesome times now?  When I have times like this, it seems as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders.  Just recently, I experienced one of those times.  The day was going wrong.  I looked at the parts of my days as a burden:  making breakfast, making lunches, ensuring everyone at work was on a good note - having a good day, worrying about the kids and their papers, their finals.  Why wasn't anyone helping, why do "I" have to do these things.  These are typically not burdens for me - they are usually things I enjoy, getting involved with my family, starting the day in the right dirction. Yet, on this day, the burden was heavy and the weight was bearing down.

As the day passed on, I tried to see why "today" was different than any other day.  Then it hit me - like the ton of bricks God's shares with us sometimes.  I had not begun my day with peace.  I never realized how important that peace was for me - that time where I treasure what God is saying to me to start my day.  Many years back, I tried to find a way for me to build more peace into my life.  My days seemed full of turmoil, and I wanted the feeling when I have a "peace-filled moment" to permiate throughout my day. That's when I decided I didn't have enough God-filled moments.  I needed to build in time for God from the time I wake up and throughout my day.  So I changed my direction, my focus, and the world changed around me - in me, and through me.

We have a world of technology at our finger tips now.  I will be honest, there are many times I have shared that technology is not my friend.  Yet, for this purpose, it works - really works.  I start my morning by getting on my Bible app and reading the verse of the day.  It helps to start my day off right.  I don't read my emails or facebook or anything else - just the verse of the day.  It's nice to say "Good Morning" to God that way.  I notice that my "chores" after that seem to be put in perspective.  I then do some of the morning activities and move to devotion time with my husband before we both leave for work.  Reading the morning devotion, a short Bible verse, and even take some time to pray if there is something on our hearts for work that day, gets both of us off on the right track.

After that, I'm off to the car to listen to Christian radio.  Yes, my choice could be CDs or radio station, but I find the messages that are offered first thing in the morning truly energize me.  After that, it is time for prayer.  By the time I get to work, I feel as if Christ has prepared me for the day to come - and His grace is with me.  Before my day gets rolling at work, I read another devotional, the daily Proverbs 31 devotional, which is a great way to start my morning.  The rest of the day finds me looking at my Bible verses in a difficult moment or when I just need to feel "peace".  If I don't do those things throughout my day, the peace I enjoy seems to avert me.

Peace can come in different forms.  The peace of a moment, of seeing something that gives you peace (like the picture above out of my kitchen window).  Peace can even come in the middle of hustle and bustle.  Peace can come anywhere because God is everywhere.  With Him, with Simple Faith, peace can cloak us and move us to a better place.  Try it - try building God into a part of your day and experience the peace that will surround you.  Maybe it is in the beginning of your day, or a simple prayer when life seems overwhelming.  That sense of peace, of giving yourself at that moment to God, will bring you the peace that you can't describe - the peace that passes all understanding.  May you enjoy a peace-filled moment soon, may you have the faith that God will bring that moment to you.

"And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  (NIV)  Philippians 4:7

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.