Sunday, May 31, 2015

Picking Fruit - Goodness

As I was preparing for this week's post, I was challenged.  I wanted to know the difference between kindness and goodness.  At face value, they seem to be the same things to me.  Yet, I knew that God wouldn't give words to us for the sake of "filling in space".  Each word God has given us in the Bible is meant for us - for our growth, our learning, our comfort, our faith.  It amazes me the more we delve into his Word, the greater He reveals himself to us.

Goodness is to DO good!  Don't worry, we'll get to kindness in a different week.  This week, it is goodness - our ability to be like God and actually DO good.  Sounds easy enough, doesn't it?  I really thought about that and would like us to challenge ourselves this week.  Let's really think about us doing good.  Have you really done something good for someone lately?  I thought back over my week and, I have  to say, I'm not sure I have.  I've tried to be kind, gentle, loving, and share joy, but doing good I am not so sure.

Today, I heard that some of the most wealthy people are truly starting to take a stand and give back.  Yes, they may have billions of dollars, yet, they are working between themselves and others around the world to give to those that are less fortunate - those in need of food, of homes, of clothing, of medicine, of cures, etc.  It had to be one of the nicest things I have heard in a long time.  People like Warren Buffet and the Gates are encouraging others to give 1/2 of their wealth away - now.  They don't want to wait until they have passed on, they want to do it now.  And they are influencing others to do the same.

I think the biggest take away that I had from that was NOW.  Not waiting.  Some times I say to myself, "Oh, I would like to do something for someone," and the time gets away from me and the moment has passed. NOW is the key word.  I wait, we wait, to do good for someone when it may be convenient for us.  Yet, on OUR time is probably not the best time for the other person.  Doing something good involves us putting ourselves out there and DOING the right thing, for the person at the right time.  I need to work on this one.  I need to challenge myself to do good NOW, to do good OFTEN, to do good with a willing heart.  

Our goal on this study of "picking fruit" is to delve into these words with a deeper understanding - to gain a viewpoint of how these words depict Christ and how the spirit can reveal these words in us.  Think of all the goodness Jesus did on earth.  Think about how tired Jesus may have been, yet, that didn't stop Him from doing good things for those He met.  He healed, He resurrected, He loved, He gave comfort, He brought peace, He taught, He . . . . .   Jesus felt what we do, yet His perfect heart provided good each time, all the time.

So now it is time for us.  I challenge you this week to DO good.  I offer you the path to step out of your comfort zone and DO something for someone when THEY need it.  May this opportunity to do good provide you much grace and mercy.  I am sure we will all be blessed by goodness.  I encourage you to write a brief note on this blog sharing your experiences of goodness.  May we bless each other on our journey.  

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.