Sunday, March 25, 2018

Humble Holiness

"And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death - even death on a cross."  Philippians 2:8  (NIV)

I am amazed at every verse I read in the Bible of Jesus' humbleness.  With every word, every action, He acts and reacts with this incredible level of humbleness.  Oh, how I wish I my words and actions would emulate Jesus' in this respect.  Yet, I find myself falling short time and time again in this goal.  As we embark on Holy Week, Jesus' humble holiness is portrayed along the journey to Easter.

On Palm Sunday, we see Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey.  No warhorse, no camel, no majestic creature.  Let's not be mistaken - he certainly could have.  That's not Jesus, though.  With every word, every action, he shows us how to be humble, " once you will find a donkey, tied there with her colt by her.  Untie them and bring them to me."  (Matthew 21:2)  It wasn't that the donkey was the animal around - he requested the donkey.  As palms were waived and cloaks were strewed along the path, His majesty, the King of Kings, rode in on a donkey.  Humble Holiness.

Let us move forward four days to Maundy Thursday.  The picture above depicting the true essence of humbleness.  After ensuring arrangements were made for the last supper, the supper of love, Jesus takes off his sash, dips it in water, and washes the disciples feet.  "...he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet."  (John 13:6)  Don't forget that in Jesus' time, footwear consisted of sandals and the roads weren't paved, they were dirt and dust.  Imagine, a few days earlier shouts of "Hosanna in the Highest" rang through the air.  Humble Holiness.

Good Friday, displays the greatest image of humbleness.  "...he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death - even death on a cross."  (Philippians 2:8).  Wrongly charged, tied in chains, clothes removed, whipped and beaten, dragged through the city streets with a cross on his back, nails piercing his hands and feet, and left to die on a cross.  God's own Son, crucified, crucified for no fault that He had, no sin that He committed.  Humble Holiness.

One swift draw of a hand and God could have made all of this go away.  One word from His mouth, and God could have taken care of this.  During Holy Week, my thoughts go there often.  Why would you do this, God, to your Son?  Yet, we know why.  We know the great significance Jesus' humbleness brings to us.  Through this picture of Humble Holiness, we see the greatest gift - Jesus.  The Jesus that is with us with each step that we take - even when we are not humble.  The Jesus that loves us, although there may be times we don't show our love back.  The Jesus that died for you and for me.  Jesus, the true picture of Humble Holiness.  May your Holy Week be full of blessings.

Dearest Jesus, as we enter this Holy Week, may our minds and hearts be reminded of the humble holiness your brought to our world.  Through your words and actions, you showed us what it means to be humble and the value that humbleness brings to others and to us.  Help me, Jesus, to always remember that in all that I say and do.  

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