Sunday, April 22, 2018

Pouring Love

"And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."  Romans 5:5 (NIV)

As we finally see signs of spring in New England, it is amazing how people's disposition begins to change.  With buds on the trees, flowers blooming, and warmer temperatures, we begin to feel the long winter melting away and a renewed hope that spring and summer are coming.  It amazes me the difference this can make in our moods.

It had me thinking about the hope that our Lord gives to us.  Where does that hope come from?  Why do we feel it some days more than others?  Can "I" do something more to give me a renewed sense of hope?  I know, deep questions, right?  I certainly don't have all the answers to these questions, yet, I searched for a verse that would help me better see where the strength of hope comes from.

Romans 5: 1-5 are my favorite verses in the Bible.  Everyone tends to have their "go to" verses.  This has always been mine:
     "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.  And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produced perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."

Hope comes from our trials.  Hope comes from the difficult part of our lives.  I wonder if everything was always rosy and wonderful, would we think we need hope?  Lives going smooth, what do I need to hope for?  I believe it is in those difficult times that we realize the hope we grasp on to.  Our gracious Jesus provided us that hope to see Him in paradise by dying on the cross for us.  He gave us the Holy Spirit to live inside of us so we can FEEL that hope when we need it most, in times of trials.  

Where does hope come from?  God's love for us.  I love the image from our verse today - he poured His love into our hearts.  Our hearts are there for Him to fill and He fills them up with his eternal love.  As I put my hand over my heart, it helps me to know that Jesus is right in there with me.  As the Holy Spirit lives inside, we can always pull on the love that God filled our hearts with.  The love that brings us hope in our darkest hour.  The love that brings us out of the darkness into the light.  The love that lasts forever.

Dearest Lord, thank you for pouring your love into our hearts.  As you fill us up with your eternal love, may we know that your love brings us hope - hope for our trials of today and hope for an everlasting life with you.  In your gracious and loving name we pray, Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.