Sunday, July 29, 2018

Too Tired

"The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."  Exodus 33:14 (NIV)

BUZZ!!  The alarm went off.  I typically never hear the alarm go off.  On this particular day, I was tired - way too tired to get out of bed.  Yet, I managed to put one foot on the floor and the day began.  That evening, I reflected on why I might have been so tired and the many times in my life when I have felt that way.  Working all week and then working all weekend on house projects has left me totally exhausted - usually physically exhausted.  There have also been times at work, that have left me absolutely mentally exhausted.  Yes, there have also been times when situations with certain relationships have left me emotionally exhausted.  I am sure many of you can relate to this type of exhaustion - when anything more has me saying, "I'm just too tired."  

Nothing prepared me for the words, "You have cancer."  Nothing prepared me for the journey that was in front of me after hearing those words.  Nothing prepared me for the utter exhaustion of that journey.  In this case, the exhaustion was certainly:
   Physical - the chemo and radiation took its toll on my body
   Emotional - the up and down of emotions that come with cancer
   Mental - the constant thoughts of "what ifs"

Yet, the exhaustion that also came to light at this point in my life was spiritual exhaustion.  As the days of my cancer journey moved forward, praying and talking to God seemed to yield nothing.  Treatments moved forward, I felt worst.  The pain, the exhaustion, the sickness were all signs that I was getting better but it certainly didn't feel that way.  Eventually, I became too tired to talk to God anymore.  I was too tired to pray.  God did continue to give me many things - one that I hung on to, Simple Faith.

Although we may be Christians, we have never been promised a perfect life here on Earth.  Things have happened to all of us that have brought forward exhaustion - painful, physical traumas; disappointing and abusive relationships; death of loved ones; financial crisis.  All of these things can lead us to being too tired to talk to God.  Yet, the beauty of God shines through in many different ways - as expressed in our verse for today.  Our Dear Lord will continue to walk with us and give us rest, we just need to have Simple Faith.  Maybe you are exhausted and don't know where to turn.  Do one thing for me.  Take two minutes, close your eyes, and imagine Jesus sitting next to you, holding your hand.  Open your eyes and know that He IS there - providing you the hope and will to go on.  Too Tired?  Get Faith - Simple Faith - that God is right there with you helping you move on.

Dearest Jesus, sometimes this earthly life has us feeling too tired to give any more.  During these times, may we turn to you and know you are there with us, taking us by the arm, and helping us to move forward.  May we continue to have faith that you are there for us each and every moment, guiding us with your forever love and hope.  In your name we pray, Amen~

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.