Sunday, November 18, 2018

Thanksgiving Chain

"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving."  1 Timothy 4:4  (NIV)

When the children were younger, November 1st meant one thing - the beginning of our Thanksgiving Chain.  Each night leading up to Thanksgiving meant that you would take a paper strip, write on it what you were thankful for, share that at dinner, and we would connect them to make our Thanksgiving Chain.  As the chain grew, it showed all of us the many blessings we had as a family.  I absolutely loved that chain.  As the years waned on, I felt the children believed it was more of a "chore" than a "blessing".  Until the year I decided we weren't going to do it - and they asked for the chain.  Yes, that warmed my heart.

The essence of our Thanksgiving Chain was a way for me to help share with my family all we had to be grateful for during the days leading up to the big turkey day.  Yes, I was using it as a teaching moment for them - but, as with most teaching moments, I believe I was the one who learned the most.  As I reflected on those days for this post, I realized that similar to the days leading up to Thanksgiving, that was when I thought of my blessings the most.

I wasn't thinking about God's blessings when I had a tough day at work.  I wasn't thinking about God's blessings when we were moving family members - packing up boxes and going up and down stairs 100 times.  I wasn't thinking about God's blessings when life was tough - I only thought about his blessings when life was good.  It is during the difficult, anxious, and worrisome moments that we should be thanking God the most.

Let's go back for a moment.  God never promised that being a Christian would be a rose garden. In John 16:33, Jesus shared, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  Right there in verse 33, it states we will have trouble.  It isn't an easy journey being a Christian.  God never promised that.  Yet, as we reflect on our verse for today, it doesn't say that "some things" that God created are good, but EVERYTHING!  We don't tend to sing God's praises during tough times, but we should. 

We should be giving thanks in all circumstances, for each circumstance - no matter how difficult - produces good.  That good tends to show in our desire to cling ever so close to our God for refuge and strength.  That close journey with God helps us to see the one who truly loves us and never leaves us.  That close journey with God gives us the courage to fight even during the darkest of days.  So how do we remember to give thanks during tough times?  

May I suggest a blessings box.  At the end of each day, put in a slip of paper for at least one thing who have been blessed with that day.  Maybe it was someone who held open a door while your hands were full.  Maybe it was a smile from a cashier.  Maybe it was that you had a warm meal that day.  All those are delivered to us from God.  As the days grow and the blessings increase, it is amazing how our heart can move from difficult to delight.  Praise be to God!  With all those blessings, maybe you can build your own Thanksgiving Chain.  

Heavenly Father, we thank you in ALL circumstances, for all good comes from you.  Help us, during tough times, to realize that there is a blessing each and every day.  May those blessings remind us of your constant goodness in our lives - the one who loves us.  Let us sing praises for our chain of blessings that come from you.  In your name we pray, Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.