Sunday, August 18, 2019

God's Hands

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

Family vacations - although the planning can be stressful, the delivery is typically very sweet.  Hence, it was this vacation.  Our family of 6 was joined by our children's friends for a total of ten.  Add to that my brother's family of three and my mom - the total was 14!  Throughout the planning stages, there was much tribulation (most of it in my worrisome head).  Yet, as the week played out, each day found us gathered together, laughing, smiling and enjoying each other's company.

It always amazes me that when something large is planned, no matter how each and every minute may be planned, it may not always turn out as I envisioned.  For many of you who know me, you know that vacations are usually methodically planned.  I held back this time and left it, truly, in God's hands.  I asked for His help to guide our time together to be filled with memories, and He didn't disappoint.  I believe one of my largest struggles is just that, taking it out of MY hands and placing it into God's LOVING hands.  

As our verse for today shares, our dear Lord knows all plans for me - and for my family.  I have total faith that His plans are not harmful plans.  It is my decision to move things into MY hands that I start to have problems.  Certainly, if He knows every hair on my head, He can certainly know what my life will entail.  Yet, when the family was gathered around the table, it wasn't my future that I was as concerned about.  It is the future of my children.  That is the future I have to give to God the most.

If it was up to me, I would orchestrate each of my child's lives.  Not that I need to have that much control, but because I don't want to see them hurt or let down or betrayed.  I have learned early, though, that those times of hurt or other disappointments are the stepping stones to build us up - many times building us closer to God.  Knowing that my children's lives are in God's hands does provide me comfort.  In their eyes I see the hope and future God has for them.  In their eyes I see grace and mercy.  In their eyes I see forgiveness, for others and themselves.  In their eyes I see God's love.  

God was most definitely on our family vacation with us.  When vacation ended, the children all left us and went back to their lives, just as we did.  I cried.  I remembered when they were little and the end of a family vacation didn't mean they all dispersed - we all went home to one house.  Not any more.  As adults, they all have their own lives.  Today, though, I live in the love God gives us, knowing that their hope and future lies in the best hands, God's hands.

Blessed Father, thank you for always being with my family.  Whether we are near each other or not, I know that we are in your hands God, where our future is strong and our hope is alive.  Please bless all of us, and our families.  May we find comfort knowing that in your hands our families' futures are filled with love.  In your name.  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.