Sunday, August 11, 2019

Just Like Riding a Bike Again

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."
2 Chronicles 15:7

Family vacation time!  All the planning of flights, renting a house, menu outlines, etc. came down to the final point - the renting of the bikes.  I took stock of all who wanted to rent and then the big decision came, do I rent a bike for myself.  Many of you may say, "Sure, why not?".  I'm not the most athletic person and I can only try to remember the last time I was on a bike.  Years would be an understatement.  I think we are talking decades!  Yet, I took the first step, the mental step, and said YES, I will rent a bike.

We drove up to the house and there they were - the bikes!  Let's get real - we aren't talking mountain bikes, just the easy beach bikes that one drives on bike paths.  So, this morning, the decision was made by Juan and me, let's go for a bike ride.  My dear husband knows just how daunting this was for me so he insured the bike seat was right and that I was pointed in the right direction (remember when you were a kid and you were being taught how to ride a bike?).  With the petals just at the right spots and open road ahead of me, I was off.   After stumbling a few times (and going off the road), I thought twice as to whether this was going to work.  Then it happened, I got the swing of things - I was riding a bike again.

As we rode along the trail, I felt like I had success - I was able to ride along and not hit another cyclist.  With that, we were able to ride to the beach and see the beautiful scenery.  It was incredible,  The wind was blowing through my hair and I felt great.  My first thought was, "it is just like riding a bike again."

I have to say, this verse came to mind as I was struggling along the side of the road - debating whether this was a good idea or not.  I kept working at it and didn't want to let the situation get the best of me.  I kept trying, and I was rewarded.  That is how our dear Lord is with us!  He understands how difficult situations can be for us.  Our goal is to keep trying and to work hard with the life God has blessed us with.  Not every moment is going to be smooth sailing.  Yet, if we are strong and do not give up, God will reward us.  And those are the sweetest moments - like being able to ride a bike again!!

Heavenly Father, we thank you for providing us the moments where we need to persevere and not give up.  We know that if we continue in the path you provide for us, there are sweet rewards - rewards personalized for each and everyone one of us.  Blessings are so much greater when we work hard at them.  Thank you Jesus!!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.