Sunday, November 3, 2019

Falling Leaves

"Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."
Psalm 62:8

I love the season of Autumn for many reasons:
  • The cooler weather
  • The comfy clothes
  • The colors of the leaves
  • The anticipation of the holidays
Yet, probably most of all, I love to watch the leaves blow in the wind.  As I write this post, I'm sitting on the deck (and it is a bit chilly out), watching the leaves dance through the sky and rest gently to the ground.  Yesterday, the ground was a blanket of green grass.  My husband worked diligently to pick up all the leaves that had covered the ground and it was so nice and neat.  Today, that green grass is beginning to get a covering of leaves again.  All that hard work to "clean up" and just like that, the leaves are winning the race.

As I watch the leaves come down, the Lord nudged me to talk about how leaves can seem like our troubles.  During a certain season of life, our troubles and tribulations seem to fall down around our "green grass", creating a blanket of difficult situations.  As hard as WE work to pick up and fix all our trials, and believe we have a "clean slate" of green grass, the leaves of trouble pick up a wind and find them on our clean slate - again.  I don't know about you, but having a clean slate of difficulties seems like an endless battle (much like picking up those leaves).

Yet, we need to remember that we need to trust in someone who can understand our trials and provide us peace.  Our Lord and Savior is there for us - our refuge.  Our trust needs to be in Him during our season of trouble.  It's not that, with a snap of a finger, it will all go away.  He specifically tells us that just because we are Christians doesn't mean we won't have troubles here on Earth. 

So why go to God?  Why pour our hearts out to Him?  He will bring us guidance and peace, 
"...a refuge for for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble."  God will be walking with us as we try to, once again, clean all the "leaves" and have a blanket of "green grass" underneath us.  By going to God, during the turbulent times of our lives, we know that He will be with us for us to lean on and gain strength.  As those leaves fall this autumn, say a small prayer to our Lord, thanking Him for always being with us as He showers us with peace.  Enjoy the rest of autumn~~

Heavenly Father, we thank you for being with us during our season of autumn as the leaves of trials and tribulations fall around us.  Please provide us peace and guidance as we navigate the wind and rest in your hands.  Amen~~

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.