Sunday, November 24, 2019

Just Not Right

"Why, my soul, are you downcast?  Why so disturbed within me.  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.  Psalm 42:11

The holidays are upon us.  For many of us, this is the beginning of "crazy town".  Between the elevated events that we need to attend (or host), the gift shopping, the grocery store, the cooking, the cleaning, the . . .   do I need to go on?  I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired just thinking about it.  I absolutely love the holidays.  The preparation, the craziness of it all, yep - all of it.  Yet . . .

There are times throughout the holidays where something inside me is Just Not Right.  My heart is aching, my stomach is turning, there are sleepless nights.  I question that feeling when it happens.  I think, "This can't be me - not 'holiday happiness' me".  Have you ever felt like that?  When all should be sunshine, you feel like the clouds?

When I sit down and reflect, I realize it is a host of reasons that my soul can be downcast:
  • Memories flood back of a different time when things were a bit easier
  • I miss family members who are no longer with us or who won't be able to spend the holidays with us
  • My "ideal" holiday doesn't seem to look like those Hallmark movies I love to watch
  • I feel lost, as if I'm not sure where to go or what to do next
You?  Have you had moments like this during the holidays?  There are so many ways for us to try and soothe our souls.  We can eat too much, drink too much, spend too much, or if you are like me, start controlling things too much.  When "I" don't feel right, I start telling others how they should feel or what they should do.  Listen up!!  All of that is not worth our time - there is a way for us to move forward through the holidays with our souls lifted high!!

The Psalm says it all - put our hope and trust in God.  When I take things into my own hands, oh how wrong it goes!  The words coming out of my mouth aren't right.  My actions are not right.  MY downcast soul turns into others sad times.  All is Just Not Right!  

So I'm working on a few things - and I ask that you join me.  When I give it to God and stop wrestling with how I feel, the peace that only God can give us comes to light.  No, it may not be the Hallmark Christmas - but it's my Christmas with the people I love.  I may not have the perfect gift or the perfect outfit, but I have a perfect God who loves me and will guide me - as long as I let him lead the way.  I may feel lost and don't know what to do, but Jesus is walking each step with me.  I just need to let him hold my hand.  The holidays are upon us.  When it is "just not right", give it all to God and enjoy the peace that only He can give you.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!

Dearest Lord, thank you for being with me when things are just not right.  Let me be reminded that with your guidance and love, my soul can be filled with your peace.  Please bring that joy to my life during this holiday season.  May I start my day in your word so I am focused on all that is good and right in the weeks ahead.  Thank you for all my blessings - most of all - your son Jesus.  AMEN!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.