Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sounds of Christmas - Silence

"The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him."
Habakkuk 2:20

So quickly we are at the fourth Sunday of Advent.  This season, we explored the sounds of Christmas.  You may not believe silence is a sound, but I do.  I believe it is probably the most profound sound we can experience.  Whether we are the ones who are silent or others are silent around us, silence "can be golden".

We have explored the other sounds of Christmas, the choirs singing, the angels' hallelujahs, and the animals speaking.  Today, we see the importance of silence on the most holy of nights.  Although this verse from Habakkuk is not one typically read at Christmas Eve services, I do believe it eloquently shares the picture of Jesus' birth.  

Jesus coming to Earth was anything but typical.  There were no midwives to be found, no comforting pillows, no water close by.  The scene has many sounds, but I am sure there was also the sound of silence.  God's perfect son made his way to Earth to be the salvation for each and every one of us.  As the star rose in the sky, as the shepherds watched in wonder, time stood still.  For it was at that moment that the world changed.  It was at that moment that the devil would be the one tested.  It was at that moment that God brought forth the one and only savior - Jesus.

The earth was silent before him.  At that moment, neither Joseph or Mary could even fathom where Jesus' life would be take him.  The silent night broke through all the other sounds.  The silent night let us know that the extra ordinary had arrived.  

There are many beautiful sounds of Christmas, sounds that help me to celebrate this incredible season each year.  Yet, it is the silent night, when I sit before the tree with all its lights, and look at the nativity scene, and I realize what God did for me!  He loved me enough to send me hope.  He loved me enough to send me his love in an earthly form.  He loved me enough to send me joy.  He loved me enough to send me a savior.  

I pray that for everyone reading this post, your Christmas finds at least one moment of silence.  May you experience the hope, love and joy that God sent to us in his son, Jesus.  Relish the quiet, reflect on your faith and may you bring the love that was given to you by God to each and every person that you meet.  Merry Christmas to All!

Dearest God, silence seems to be in short supply these days, especially during the Christmas season.  We find ourselves so busy with preparations that we forget the importance of silence.  Help us to take time in the days ahead to relish the moment of silence, and remember that Silent Night, that Holy Night, where you sent your son to us.  In your loving name we pray, Amen~

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