Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Hands

A Mother's hands.  When I read this verse today, it certainly made me think about a mother's hands.  Yes, my thoughts instantly went to my own mother's hands.  Caring for me as an infant.  Brushing my hair as a toddler (that was always a chore).  Teaching me how to cook as she cooked meal after meal for our family growing up.  Later in life, her hands touched my children, her grandchildren, as she held them close.  She held my hand as she sat with me at each chemo treatment.  Her hands have always been there - for chores, for pain, for hope and for love.

Then I thought of all the mothers of the Bible whose hands saw different situations for the same reasons.  Sarah, a mother who waited so long for her child, Issac.  Naomi, who shared her incredible faith with her daughter-in-law, Ruth.  Hannah, who wanted to be a mother so much, her prayers resulted in her giving her son back to do the Lord's work, Samuel.  Elizabeth, who although old in age, bore the one who baptized so many, John.

The one that I am sure many of us revel in is Mary, the mother of Jesus.  All that her hands must have done!  Hands that saw daily chores to ensure Jesus and her family were taken care of.  Hands that held Jesus' hands, knowing the hope her son would bring.  Hands that saw the pain that her son went through on His way to the cross.  Hands that held him after he died on Golgotha.  Hands that showed Jesus over and over again the love she had for Him.

Hands of our mothers change throughout the years.  As young mothers, the hands are soft and gentle.  Through the adolescent years, the hands may have to show discipline and guidance.  As we grow up, our mothers' hands can become wrinkled and coarse (as I look at my own hands, I see this)!  Yet, those hands tell stories.  Those hands have cared for us, held us, provided us hope and most of all, have loved us.

The next time you see your mother, hold HER hands and let her know how much you love her.  For a mother's hands are to be honored and cherished.  If you mother is now with our heavenly father, know that her hands still have a place on your heart and one day, you will be able to hold those hands in paradise.  Blessings to all the mothers!  To my incredible mother, Mom, I love you and cherish those hands that have been placed on my heart all these years.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for our mothers' hands.  We have wonderful role models throughout the Bible that show us how to be a mother.  We have our own mothers that have taught us how to live our lives.  Thank you for blessing us with a mother's hands.  May we always cherish them.  In your name we pray.  Amen.

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