Sunday, May 17, 2020

Breakfast Time

"Breakfast - it's the most important meal of the day."  That seems to be the saying.  For me, it's, "Breakfast - it's my most favorite meal of the day!"  Whether it is a 5AM smoothie on the go or a wonderful Sunday morning brunch after church, ever since I've been a child I've loved breakfast.  I love to make breakfast for my family and I especially love to go out for breakfast.  This could be an influence of my parents, especially my dad.  He would go out in a snowstorm to the diner just so we all could have what we wanted for breakfast.  Do you have a favorite breakfast meal?  Being from Jersey, it would have to be pork roll, egg and cheese on a hard roll (if you're from Jersey you CERTAINLY can agree)!

So you can imagine my delight as I was driving to work the other day, and on the radio the DJ shared this verse.  As I jumped into my Bible to dig into this a little further, I realized I had read this verse so many times, yet its impact was made to me that morning.  I find it amazing how God does that - He takes stories and chapters that we have read over and over and on that special day, when we need Him the most, He makes sure we hear it or see it!  The context is the third time Jesus has revealed himself to the disciples after his resurrection.  He was on the shore and they were trying to catch fish.  He yells out for them to put their lines in one more time and what do they pull up?  Breakfast - for all of them and more!  

This invitation for breakfast truly hit my soul.  The thought of Jesus sitting with me and my cup of coffee now brings new meaning.  What an incredible way to start my day!  Typically, before I head out for work, I have some coffee and read my devotions.  What if Jesus was sitting with me as I sipped the coffee and drank in his Word for my day.  Of course He does, but the realization of that fills my soul.  What blessings Jesus gives us, He even invites us over for breakfast.  I ask that you revel in that image for a moment.  I pray that it fills your soul as well.  Breaking bread with Jesus, whether it was done 2000 years ago or today, brings his humanness to light.  He broke bread, He ate - the son of God!  More importantly, whether I see Him or not, he breaks bread with me!

As we sit for breakfast and say grace, let's remember Jesus' invite to join him for breakfast.  Bring a chair for Jesus, pour Him a cup of coffee and drink in the words that He shares with you, whether words from the Bible or words from those around you.  Jesus is there, starting your day with you.  May you take Him with you throughout the rest of your day as well.  Blessings for Breakfast with Jesus!

Jesus, my breakfast partner, thank you for inviting me for breakfast!  As I sit with you and drink my coffee, may I also drink in the words you share through pages of devotions along with the words that you place on my heart.  Be with me throughout my day Jesus, hold my hand and guide me - showing me the path you have for me.  I am blessed that you call me for breakfast.  In your name I pray, Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Susan, this reflection underscores exactly WHY breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We recently adopted a dog and he has disrupted my morning routine. (but first...pray). My days now have to start off with taking the dog out. I didn't recognize that just because my morning ritual changed, I can still make a new breakfast ritual. Bottom line... my day was very off (and challenging) and I know it's because I didn't "have breakfast." Thank you for this reminder!!


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.