Sunday, September 27, 2020



It's very interesting to watch children share, especially with someone that is not familiar to them.  Whether another child or an adult, they seem to send caution to the wind and reach out to give what is theirs to someone else.  It may be a toy that they give to another who doesn't have a toy or even part of their precious cookie.  They give to someone who doesn't have anything - and don't expect anything in return.

Fast forward a few decades and, as adults, we may at times have difficulty sharing what is ours.  Whether it is sharing our time, our possessions, our money or our home, we tend to "hold on" to what is ours.  If we decide to take the step to share, that spirit of "caution to the wind" may be replaced with an "abundance of caution".  Inviting a stranger to share our 'cookies' may even be a larger leap.

This wonderful verse in Romans 12 helps us to understand what Jesus wants from us.  Through Paul, He is very prescriptive on how we should reach out.  For those in need, we need to share.  That's it!  There isn't a certain recipe or a way for us to do it - just share with those in need.  How do we do that?  Who has time to do that?  How do I know who is in need?  Many of those questions can be answered if we keep our eyes and hearts open.  Take time to listen to those around you.  Focus your eyes on someone else.  Where can we lighten someone's load?

  • Maybe it is the young mother in front of us at the grocery store who is struggling to find those extra few dollars for her groceries . . .
  • Maybe it is the delivery driver who is at the end of his shift and is just looking for a smile . . .
  • Maybe it is the person behind you in the coffee line who gets a friendly gesture from you to pay for their coffee that day . . .
Yes, those moments are important and can brighten someone's difficult day.  There can be greater problems in front of us, though.  A family who may not know where their next meal is coming from.  An elderly shut in who hasn't had the ability to get out in a long time.  A stranger sitting by themselves on a park bench looking down at the ground with no friends to talk to.  Can we make a difference here?  What can we share?  Sometimes our time and a kind word is the hospitality people need.  Our time, our treasures, our love for others can be the sharing that we can offer.  

Take a moment.  Look around you.  Where can we share hospitality?  Where can we bring the love of Jesus into the moment?  Where can we show caring?  Let's all be the light of Jesus here on earth to those that are in need.  Take a moment.  Give of yourself.  Practice hospitality.  Show love.  Share~~

Heavenly Father, help us to share with those that are in need.  May we take the time to look around us, listen to those that may be silenced, so we can share all that you have given to us.  May we be your light on earth to those that need some brightening.  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.