Sunday, October 18, 2020

Falling to Soft Ground


I wait so long for three weeks in October.  During these three weeks I watch the leaves transform from green to an incredible array of colors.  Also during this time, I watch the leaves drift from the trees to the ground.  I may enjoy this time as much as the colors themselves.  My husband doesn't seem to like this time of autumn as much, probably due to the fact he is in charge of picking up the leaves.  Yet, me?  I see it completely different.

I watch as a strong tree who has held onto these many leaves for the last six months releases these beauties.  The journey each leaf takes as it leaves the security of the tree and wafts down to the ground amazes me.  Some get caught up in a passing breeze and fly far off.  Others lay at the foot of the tree.  Whatever way they fall, the leaf is released by the tree and ends its trip by reaching the soft grasp of the green grass.

As I sat on my deck watching the leaves fall gently downward today, it reminded me so much of the times when my anxieties, frustrations and worries get the best of me.  I am the tree and the things I worry about are the leaves.  Many times, I will hold onto them, waiting for the worry or the frustration to change - transform itself.  I believe if I keep trying I can change my worry, I can change my anxious thoughts.  Typically these situations don't result in beautifully transformed thoughts.  Typically the devil does his work and the worries grow!  What may have started as something small will snowball into a huge weight upon my shoulder.

Introduce God's everlasting arms.  When the worry grows to a point where I find it hard to stand, my Lord reminds me of his everlasting arms.  He encourages me to release those thoughts, release those frustrations, and let them fall - like leaves - into the soft ground of His arms.  God reminds me of who is in control, who can defeat the devil, and who can bring me peace.  As I release my worries, God is there to embrace them and take them away from me, just as the grass takes the falling leaves away from the tree.  In the end, there is peace.  In the end there is hope.  In the end there is grace.  

The cool crisp air surrounds me.  The smell of the leaves fills the air.  The beauty of the leaves on the green grass is brilliant.  In this one moment, I truly know that my Redeemer Lives - just for me.  Let us remember to release our "leaves" to the one who gladly takes them into his loving arms.  May this bring you peace.

Heavenly Father, we are so grateful for your everlasting arms.  Those arms are always there for us - to catch our worries, our sins, our fears, our doubts and bring us to a place of comfort, and joy, and hope and grace.  When our lives seem to great to bear, may we be reminded of this so that we can release all that is weighing us down into your arms.  Amen!!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.