Sunday, April 3, 2022



It would be difficult to walk on this Lenten journey without highlighting the word forgiveness.   Last week, our focus was on repentance, our ability to spend time reflecting on the things we have done wrong, our sins, and asking for forgiveness.  Why is asking for forgiveness so important? 

When we focus on our sins, all we have done wrong, it can bring us to a very dark place.  Our sinful nature drives us to despair, knowing that we will never be able to live up to God’s expectations.  As I write this, I think about the few hours I have been awake, and I already see the sins I have committed.  Living in that darkness can feel as if we are the small rock underneath a huge mountain. 

Yet, there is such good news waiting for us in the arms of Jesus.  In Jesus’ kingdom our reflection and repentance gain us forgiveness.  This forgiveness does not come from just anyone, it comes from the ONLY person who can truly forgive us, Jesus.  By his suffering and shame, we have life and hope.  We do not live in the darkness; we live in the light of the cross.  Our forgiveness becomes the light by which we can get up and live every day.

How grateful we should be to our Lord!  Just as Jesus forgives us our terrible sins, he asks us to forgive those who wrong us.  Sometimes this can be a very tall order from God!  When someone hurts me the last thing, I want to do is forgive them.  Nope, I am going to spend some time with that hurt, engage in a bit of self-pity and even a bit of bitterness to those around me.  Especially if they did not even ASK for forgiveness.  Why would I want to do that?

Here is the hard truth my friends.  Jesus asks us to.  Colossians 3:13 shares, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”  Now that is a tall order!  Notice what Paul is asking us to do.  He is not saying “If someone asks for forgiveness, THEN you should forgive them.”  He asks us to forgive as soon as we have a grievance.  No pity party just pure forgiveness.  Jesus does not hesitate with us; we should not hesitate with others.

The act of forgiveness can be so cleansing.  When we receive Jesus’ forgiveness, we get to crawl out from under the mountain and stand in the light on top of the mountain.  We can breathe again, knowing we have been forgiven by the one who takes away our sins.  Jesus is asking us to do the same for others.  I have held grudges.  I have had resentment.  I have hesitated to forgive because I was too hurt.  I remember the day I decided to forgive someone who deeply hurt me, not because the person asked for forgiveness, but because Jesus asked me to forgive.  I moved from under to the top of the mountain.  My heart was full of Jesus.  Do not hold on to the hurt.  Jesus does not want that for us.  He wants us to live in His light.  Take those hurts and let them go.  Say with me, “I forgive” and feel the light of Jesus.

Dearest Jesus, I thank you for forgiving me all my sins.  That list is long and still you never hesitate to wash away my sins.  May I do as you ask, to forgive those who have wronged me.  Help me to see the light of forgiveness, my own sins and those of others.  Help me to bask in your warmth every day of my life.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.