Sunday, April 17, 2022



Easter Sunday!  I am sure the day was filled with donning our finest for Easter services and Easter egg hunts for the little ones (or big ones)!  I remember filling eggs for Easter egg hunts when the children were younger.  When we blended our family, I was going to ensure all four children would have a wonderful time.  I purchased the plastic eggs, filled them with goodies and my husband and I hid them throughout the yard.  The next morning, with baskets in hand, the children went to find the eggs.  Much to my dismay, the experience ended in tears with the ‘fastest’ getting the most eggs and the others disappointed. 

Only one year of that taught me that each year after that, we would ‘color code’ the hunt.  Each child had their own color, and the same number of eggs to find, which proved to be much easier to manage.  Yet, there was always one who could not find that last egg, or even worst, I missed filling an egg and someone received an empty egg!  There is nothing worse than opening something, expecting to find a gift inside and it is empty.  What a disappointment!  Maybe it is a Christmas present with nothing inside.  Or a birthday envelope with no ‘gift.’  When we expect to see something and it is not there, sadness creeps in.

Let us follow the women who followed Jesus to the cross, and to the tomb.  These women, led by Mary Magdalene, were there when they crucified Jesus.  They took the walk to Jesus’ death.  They prepared the spices for the proper burial, honored the Sabaoth, and waited until Sunday to go to the tomb.  Then they saw the empty tomb.  They were expecting something to be inside, their Lord should have been inside.  Yet, the tomb was empty!   Soon the angel appeared to share the good news of Jesus rising from the dead.

On that incredibly special morning, the emptiness of the tomb was the world’s greatest gift.  The walk to Golgotha was our gift from Jesus.  The cross was our gift from Jesus.  The tomb was our gift from Jesus.  The gift Jesus gave to all of us, by taking on our sins, dying on the cross and most importantly, rising from the dead, was the best empty gift ever!  Through his resurrection, we have received true salvation.  Our place in heaven is waiting for us.  We will never have to feel empty again, for we are filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ gift to us.

Easter Sunday is the day of our salvation.  When Jesus rose from the dead and left the tomb empty, He showed the world how the devil can be defeated.  Each day may we give thanks to Jesus for our salvation and the home he has lovingly prepared for us - our eternal home. 

Dearest Savior, thank you for the many gifts you have given to us through Holy Week, especially the gift of the empty tomb!  May we remember and give thanks to you every day for your gift of salvation and the day we will see you in paradise.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.