Sunday, December 3, 2023

Gift of Rest


Welcome to Advent!  Preparing for Jesus’ birth comes in so many ways.  This year, my Advent series is going to focus on the gifts Jesus brought to us.  I agree – there are too many to focus on just four.  We certainly have the gifts of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, the gifts that represent the Advent candles.  This year I thought we could focus on others that elude us during the holiday season. 

I was chatting with my husband as I made my 15th list of the holiday season, about how this holiday seems busier than some of the others we have had.  The cooking, the cleaning, the decorating, the shopping, on top of 10+ hour days at work has me just plum tired.  And we are only at the beginning of December!  Yet, we both agreed that although this year is a bit busier, we wouldn’t trade it for the world. 

This time of year busy seems to take over our lives.  The activities we put upon ourselves to ensure a successful holiday season can run the amuck.   It’s the perfect decorations, perfect gift searching, perfect menu choices, perfect outfit for the party, etc. that can lead us to a life of ‘busy’ for four to six weeks.  The big push is on for perfection!  Yes, I am right there with you.  

It is not only the activities that create busy, but also all the thoughts that run through our minds that can create busy and weary.  The anxiousness of forgetting something.  The thoughts of loved ones who may have health concerns – or your own health concerns!  Worry over financial struggles. 

All of the above can find us exhausted and burdened, especially during the holiday season.  Our ability to stop and enjoy eludes our days and our evenings are left with thoughts scrolling through our minds leaving sleep an act in futility.  My friends, as always, our answer to all of this comes in the One who came to us, Jesus!  His arrival on earth provided us with hope, joy, peace and love.  It also provided us with this message for rest. 

Whether it is during the holidays or any time of the year, our ability to rest can be difficult.  This passage always reminds me where I can rest, body and mind, in the arms of Jesus.  He is there to take the burden from me.  Can He make those Christmas cookies for me?  Maybe not, but He can certainly change my mindset from chore to fun.  And He always reminds me that perfection is NOT the name of the game, but love.  One of Jesus’ greatest gifts comes in taking our burdens – our worry, our anxiousness, our concerns.  He wants us to rest from those things and we can only rest when we go to Jesus.  Giving Jesus our burdens creates a space in our minds and hearts for Him!  Laying these burdens at His feet, exactly where He wants them, provides us the opportunity to see things more clearly. 

Jesus came to earth to give us the gift of rest – in body and mind.  During this Christmas season, let us seek out Jesus’ arms to fall into.  Give to Jesus our burdens so our focus can be on His love.  May this Advent bring you rest in Jesus.

Dearest Jesus, as we prepare for your birth this Advent, may we remember to rest our bodies and minds in your arms and your word.  Amen

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.