Sunday, September 9, 2018

New Travels

"See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."  Isaiah 43:19  (NIV)

This entire adventure started about 13 years ago!  When Juan and I decided to marry and blend our families, we made a commitment to our children first.   Our time, we knew, would come, but it was all about our family.  So our honeymoon was a family vacation and we have been working hard to take long and short vacations all along.  Fast forward about 12 years.  Our children are grown and have moved on with their lives.  As hard as I tried to schedule a family vacation, it just wasn't working.  So about 6 months ago, with the children's blessing, we decided to go on a couple vacation.  We knew we wanted to explore areas we had never seen before - so off to Europe it was, London and Scandinavia.  That is why there was no blog post last week.  I thank you for your patience!

As each day unfolded, the awe and wonder of this beautiful world we live in came alive.  It's so strange for us Americans.  We think, I think, that by going to Boston or Washington DC, we are seeing such history.  And we do see great history.  Yet, the immense amount of history abroad was incredible.  From buildings that date back almost 2000 years (and are still standing!), to cultures we have never experienced, Juan and I had new experiences and new travels every day.  As we stepped off the cruise ship each day, we were excited about what was ahead of us.

All of these new experiences opened my eyes to this wonderful passage.  Taking new steps, in our relationships, careers, homes and yes, travel, means we are traveling to areas that are new and different for us.  Sometimes we are forced into these changes, other times we gladly step into them.  These new steps help us to see new things, things that we never would have been able to experience without the guiding hand of God.  Our Dear Lord is making a way for us.  Although where we may be journeying may not be a wilderness, it is unchartered territory for us.  The best part to remember is that God is making that way for us, the way to be able to experience His love and awesomeness.

New and different can be exciting.  It can be scary.  Either way, it is filled with blessings, the blessings that our Heavenly Father bestows on us for the future.  So let's take that step of faith, into new travels for our lives.  With some Simple Faith and God's guiding hand, we truly have the world ahead of us!

Dearest Father, we thank you for the journeys that you lay ahead of us.  May we gladly step into them, knowing that we don't step alone.  Help us to have the simple faith that you know what is truly best for us and that we may step forward in boldness.  Help us to appreciate all that you have given to us, for we know it is exactly what we need.  May our new travels bless us greatly.  In your holy name we pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.