Sunday, August 26, 2018

Spreading Seed

"But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop."  Luke 8:15 (NIV)

Rocks, lots of rocks.  In an effort to spare our lawn from the effects of snow plow trucks in the winter, many years ago we spread rocks at the edge of our property.  It seemed like a great idea at the time and did work well.  Yet, over the years, the rocks found their way into the lawn and produced a "less than desirable" lawn.  My husband lamented over this for years until one day I found him, shovel in hand, taking the rocks out.

Many of you know my dear husband - this job would not be done half-heartedly, and it would need to be done when HE wanted to get it done - one of the hottest weekends of the summer.  Moving from shovel to bobcat, the project continued.  One weekend it was getting all the rocks out.  The next weekend it was adding soil and seed in - the goal, continuous grass to the road.

As I spread the seed over the newly laid soil, my heart couldn't help but think of the wonderful parables Jesus shared about seed.  This particular one, Luke 8: 1-15, truly helped me to see His word come to life.  Days passed after our project was "complete".  We noticed, however, where we spread seed on soil that wasn't as rich or didn't get the full amount of water, the seed was not germinating.  In the area where soil and water were plentiful, so was the grass.  Newly laid seed that would last through the years.

The seed of God's word is plentiful.  The Bible is rich in words that fill not only our minds, but our hearts and souls.  One small seed, a verse that reaches the depths of our experiences, can not only "germinate" but can last a lifetime.  So is the word of God.  As with my seed in our lawn, sometimes His word falls onto soil that isn't fertile.  My heart may be hardened with life.  My mind may be questioning God.  My soul may be lost.  I have been there.  I would open up and read the Bible and expect it to "do its job" without me participating at all.  No good soil - no water.  

It was during those dark times, when I was at the end of my rope, I said to God, "I need you - I need your word - I need your grace."  What seemed like magic (but we know was the Holy Spirit), I would then open my Bible and the words were amazingly clear.  They filled my soul.  They filled my mind.  Most importantly, they filled my heart.  The seed of God's word continued to grow and spread, as it does with so many today.  

My friend, let me encourage you.  Take stock of your soil - is it rich to receive the seed of God's word?  Are you watering that seed with worship, prayer, and thanksgiving?  Life is hard, experiences happen.  Yet, if our soil is always ready to take in God's word, your soul will be strengthened and your faith will spread - just like grass seed!

Dearest Jesus, help us to have rich soil - in our hearts and souls.  May we seed that soil with your word and spread it to those around us.  In your gracious name I pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.