Sunday, June 9, 2019

Spotty Windshield

"Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them."  Romans 4:8

It was my own fault!  I had waited and waited until I couldn't take it anymore.  The windshield on my car was difficult.  How so?  Yes, it had its fair share of nicks and dings in it.  Yet, that wasn't the only problem.  There were little specks in the glass.  It had been like that for a VERY long time and I thought I was getting used to it - for a VERY long time.  That wasn't the case.

As I discussed this with my husband, he shared,  "It's time, Susan", As it is in most cases, he was right.  I made the call, the gentleman met me int he parking lot at work and within minutes, I had a new windshield.  I was almost giddy leaving the parking lot.  I could actually SEE out of my windshield.  As with most things, we don't know how bad it was until we get a new one and that was certainly the case here.  As I was driving home that evening, I couldn't believe the difference.  I felt like I was driving a brand new car.  My thoughts went to a different scenario, though, and this I pondered for some time.

I thought about Jesus looking down on me.  If he looks at me through his "windshield", he will see many things, mostly nicks and chips of my soul where sin had seeped in.  If Jesus looked hard enough, he would definitely see me through my "bad" windshield.  It was difficult to see the beautiful world on the outside because of the specks I had in my windshield.  The same is with Jesus.  The view Jesus can get of me is spotted with sin - times when I did what I shouldn't and other times when I didn't do what I should have.  Jesus has no problem looking into my damaged "windshield", better known as my soul.

Yet, Jesus doesn't see that old windshield filled with sin.  He sees me through the new windshield, clean as can be.  No chips, no nicks, no sin.  All he sees is the creature that he created and that he loves.  He doesn't see the sin that my soul feels.  He sees my heart where he lives.  That is all he sees.  How very grateful I am that I have a God that loves me so much to die on a cross for all my nasty sins.  How very grateful I am that I have a God that took away all my nicks and chips of sin so that I can live a life that will one day result with me seeing him in paradise.  How grateful I am that I have a God that sees me clearly and doesn't shun away by what he "could" see.  He chooses to focus on what he created.  

The next time you look through your windshield, make sure it is clean.  When you drive that car with the clean windshield and see all the beauty around you - remember that this is how Jesus sees you.  Clear as can be and with such beauty.  

"Dearest Jesus, we thank you for only looking at us through a "clear windshield" to the beauty and goodness we hold.  You choose not to look at our dings and chips of sin, but died on the cross so our "dings" of sin would be taken away.  Thank you for the salvation you brought to us.  In your gracious name we pray.  Amen."

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.