Sunday, June 2, 2019

Valuing a Strong Foundation

He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure."  Isaiah 33:6  (NIV)

We are building a deck.   That's incorrect, my husband is building the deck.  I was thinking, put in a few boards, add some stairs, we're good.  Again, incorrect.  I have watched these last few weekends as my husband has painstakingly measured, remeasured, leveled, dug holes, mixed cement, filled holes, added joists and brackets and other items - ensuring all the way that every step was measured and leveled to perfection.  It's all in the foundation!  P.S. - The picture is not our deck = was having trouble downloading the picture of our deck foundation, but it's close.

As I watched him work so hard, it gently reminded me of the many things in life where foundation is so very valuable.  Think about our day to day jobs.  Regardless of what we do and where we do it, having foundational knowledge helps us to bring value to our organizations and to our co-workers.  Being able to rely on this knowledge during our ever-changing work environments provides reassurance that we possess the skills necessary to get the work done.

I continued my thoughts past the workforce and into my relationships, in particular, my marriage.  We all know that relationships continue to evolve and change as we go through life.  Yet, the foundation that we build our relationships on needs to be stable as we walk through that change.  When my husband and I got married, our foundation was built on God's grace and forgiveness.  We vowed to show each other this grace and forgiveness as long as we were married.  We have had to turn to that grace throughout our time together and consider this to be a foundation that has brought us much value.

Foundation is what we build on.  Whether we are building skills and competencies for work, love and forgiveness in relationships, or a solid deck for enjoyment, having a strong foundation provides us the opportunity to build and grow.  It also provides us the necessary grounding to weather difficult times.  Whether it is actual turbulent weather, difficult times at work or a strained relationship, falling back into our foundation brings comfort.

The greatest foundation we can bring to our lives is a strong faith in our Jesus.  By holding tight to His grace and mercy we are able to fall into Jesus' arms during difficult times.  Knowing that Jesus is there to walk beside us and comfort us - that's a rock we can stand on.  Knowing that we have a place in Heaven is a truth that grounds us in hope.  Knowing that Jesus loves us so much that He died on the cross for our salvation is a love that can save us.  Having Jesus as our foundation brings us peace.  How do we build on that foundation?  Through our daily walk with Him - in prayer, praise, and study.  Through it all, He will always be our truest foundation.  There is no greater value than Jesus' grace.  I ask that you reflect upon what you consider to be your foundation this week, and I pray that within those values is Jesus!

Heavenly Father, thank you for being my foundation.  By building my life on you, I know the truest of love and grace.  The value I receive by knowing that you are my rock brings me heavenly peace.  I ask that others place you as their foundation so they may also see your value in their lives.  In your gracious name I pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.