Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blueberries and Blessings

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19

As the heat wave has taken over most of the United States, many of us have found a cooler environment. That was my plan yesterday, AFTER I got to the blueberry patch in town.  One of the treasures about living in a smaller farming community is all the fruits and veggies you can not only pick up at a local market, but actually pick right from its origin.  I've picked many things, yet, my favorite is blueberries.  The season is longer than the rest, which provides me ample opportunity to get out there and get some of these gems.  Not to mention how good the blueberry is for your health.  Blueberry picking is a place of solace for me.  Despite the heat & humidity at that hour, it was worth the time with me, nature, and God.  

For those who haven't picked blueberries, the bush stands about 4' tall.  There are wonderful berries right on top that you pick and put into your bucket.  During a good season, you can see beautiful berries right on the top of the branches.  My favorites, though, are when you get down a little lower and see all the beautiful berries underneath the branches.  Such a bounty hiding there.  

The picking yesterday was definitely plentiful.  As I was picking and chatting with God, I was reminded of how the blueberries were so much like the blessings in my life.  As I moved from bush to bush, seeing the bounty on the top, I can move from different areas of my life and see the bounty of blessings, whether family, friends, work, relationships, health - the list goes on and on.  These are the blessings that stare back at us on a regular basis.  They may be the big ones - getting that new job you wanted or hearing a positive health report.  These are the big "blueberries" right on top.

When I searched a little lower, I realized all the wonderful blessings that were tucked underneath those obvious ones.  The community that I live in, the ability to physically get around, the love I have in my life, the cool air I would be enjoying when I returned home - the things that we may take for granted.  As each blueberry went into the bucket, I found myself thanking God more and more for all that He has given to me.  He not only is meeting my needs, but providing a bounty of blueberry blessings for me.  Just like the blueberry, they are all VERY good for me.  

I also looked over my life on things that I thought should be good blessings for me, but God knew better (doesn't he always!).  The prayers that I sent up to him that I thought were unanswered, but were actually no!  Looking back on those times, I am so very grateful for His guidance in opening up new blessings for me.  Oh how good our God is - all the time.  Even in times of despair, there are always a few "blueberries" underneath the branches for us to find.  I ask that the next time you eat a blueberry (and you just can't eat one), consider all the blessings our Dear Lord has provided for you.  May your bounty be rich as the Lord looks upon you with his grace and mercy.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the bountiful "blueberry" blessings you provide to us.  Sometimes they stare us in the face; other times we may have to look a little harder.  At all times, we are thankful!  May you continue to bless us in all our needs and help us to always recognize the goodness you provide to us.  In your holiest of names we pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.