Sunday, July 14, 2019

Where The Breeze Blows

"The wind blows wherever it pleases.  You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.  So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."  John 3:8

It's a hot summer evening.  The air is stagnant and the warmth penetrates the skin.  As time passes, one realizes how very warm it is.  Just as you think about going inside to the air-conditioned house, it happens.  First you hear it - a rustle in the tree tops.  Then you see it, movement of the leaves.  At last, at very last, you feel it.  The breeze you've been waiting for - the breeze that provides gentle refreshment.  Ahhhh, a good enough reason to stay outside a little longer.

The comfort of a gentle breeze.  It amazes me that something so simple can provide such great relief.  In all honesty, one truly cannot SEE the breeze itself.  We get to see the breeze as it effects nature.  We see the breeze when it touches something else.  It may be leaves on a tree, or a flag on a pole, or a kite in the sky.  That breeze can only be seen when it touches another item to be moved.

In scripture, the breeze (or wind) is used when describing the Holy Spirit, as in our verse for today.  As John 3:8 states, we can't tell where the breeze comes from or goes to.  The reference of the Holy Spirit is truly real.  I think back upon times in my life when the Holy Spirit was truly that gentle breeze.  I didn't know where it came from, but it passed by me just when I needed it.  Many times, I feel it when I'm working in the garden and I'm frustrated by the weeds, the heat, and even the lack of veggies.  Then, it happens - that gentle breeze.  It passes by and I have a different perspective.  It rejuvenates me.  I truly believe it is the Holy Spirit helping me to change my attitude from negative to positive.  

The Holy Spirit breeze has also touched my soul on many other occasions.  When I have the opportunity to share God's word with ladies at a Bible Study or even as I write this blog, often I can feel the Holy Spirit breeze with me, encouraging me.  It certainly isn't my own accord or ability.  Left up to me, I would surely fail as I am a creature of sin.  Yet, when the Holy Spirit breezes through me, I am rejuvenated and energized.  I don't know when He is coming and I don't know where He will go next.  I revel in the grace I've been given by Him to continue on the path God has sent me.

The next time the gentle breeze blows, stop and think.  What do you need in your life right at that moment?  Do you need a word of encouragement?  Do you need to feel loved?  Do you need refreshment?  Whatever your need, know that the Holy Spirit is with you providing exactly what you need at that moment.  Hold onto it and cherish it.  Smile - for you have felt God's hand on you!!

Holy Spirit, thank you for being the breeze that blows and reminds me that God is with me.  By you living in me, I am able to move forward on the path God has chosen for me.  Release me from my frustrations and energize me to continue to march onward.  Provide me the refreshment I need!  In your holy name I pray.  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.