Sunday, July 28, 2019

Facing the Son

"Seek the Lord and His strength, Seek His face continually."  1 Chronicles 16:11

I find sunflowers fascinating.  As with most flowers, they come in an array of beautiful colors.  Yes, the most common is the yellow petals, but some have darker oranges and browns that are integrated into every petal.  It looks as if each color is precisely painted onto the petal canvas. This weekend, I also saw some pretty ones that had no yellow on them at all!  Then there is the size.  They range from the smallest of flowers to ones that seem larger than life.  

Not only do sunflowers look like the sun, but they also gravitate towards it.  When growing sunflowers, you will notice that the stalk will grow straight up, but the point where the flower starts to bud always faces the sun.  If you look at a field of sunflowers, they are always facing the same way.  It's stunning!  Most flowers certainly will seek the sun, but the sunflower actually will move towards the way of the strongest sun.  No, I'm not making this up - it is something called heliotropic and it means that they follow the sun as the sun moves through the sky.  Pretty neat!

As I stopped to pick some sunflowers yesterday, I thought about this beauty and it reminded me of Jesus.  I know when I follow the "Son", Jesus, I am brighter and flourish greater.  When my focus is on His word and His teachings, my life seems to have a sense of calm and peace.  No, not everything is perfect, but I know when I'm facing the Son, all will find its purpose - including me!  Focusing on the sunshine that He brings into my world sets my compass.  

I also know that it's not just about facing Jesus when I feel like it, like once a week on Sundays.  Daily prayer and devotion also help me to keep my focus.  It's my ability to stay connected to Jesus morning, noon and night.  I will admit there are times when I am better at this than other times.  Yet, like the sunflower, it's about finding that Son to readjust all that my soul needs to grow.  Life is hard sometimes.  Tough decisions need to be made and situations can bring calamity.  Life's not all "sunshine and sunflowers".  On those days when the sun doesn't shine, we have a Son that always shines and will always help to bring light into our lives.  It doesn't matter who we are - from the smallest of us in size and spirit to the largest of us.  Just like the sunflower, Jesus will shine on you!  Find a way to "Face the Son".  I can guarantee when you do, YOUR flowers will be brighter and you will be stunning.

Dearest Jesus - help us to be like the sunflower.  May we face towards you at all times and may you grant us your everlasting light.  Help us to find ways to seek your face and live our lives facing you.  In your name we pray.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.