Sunday, July 7, 2019

That Groundhog!!

"The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning.  The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work."
1 John 3:8

It happens every year.  Juan begins the process of setting up my garden.  He graciously turns over the dirt and ensures it is ready for planting.  He takes out all the weeds that came up over the winter/spring and makes sure I have all I need.  This includes the very important "groundhog fencing".  Throughout the years, he has worked diligently to keep the groundhog from eating what I'm trying to sow and harvest.  One year, the groundhog managed to eat all my beans.  Another year it was the zucchini.  The past couple of years, we have found the rhythm.  Fencing around the garden with stakes, ties, staples, etc.  You get the picture.  It has worked!  Until this year . . .

It started with the broccoli.  I planted it and within a week it was all eaten.  I couldn't believe that a groundhog could have weaseled its way into the garden, so I blamed it on the deer.  Until I saw the groundhog IN the garden.  I watched in amazement.  How could this animal get over the fencing?  Getting under it was not an option, that was closed tight with no sign of entry.  A couple of days later, I noticed the groundhog on its hind legs - yes, he was probably high enough to climb over the fence and gain entrance.  The beans are slowly dwindling, but the rest of the veggies are okay - so far.

I sat and looked at the garden and thought about its struggle with the groundhog.  It reminded me of my own struggle - with the devil.  I try to guard myself against the devil.  With devotions, Bible reading, church services and certainly prayer, I try to ensure that the devil stays away from me and my family.  Yet, no matter how much I try to prepare and ensure that I am protected from the devil, he always seems to weasel his way back into my life - and my sinful nature becomes so very evident.  He is just like the groundhog, finding a way through all the fencing I put around my soul and heart, to weasel his way in and eat his way through all my positive actions to my sinful nature.  When that happens, I feel so very defeated, like he has won again.  

Yet, unlike my broccoli and beans being eaten up, I have someone who is saving me from the harm of the devil - my savior Jesus.  Jesus is there to ensure that I am not destroyed by the devil, but saved from his harmful ways to an everlasting life with Him.  When I feel defeated and wonder why I even try, Jesus is there to remind me of all the love he has for me and how His mercy covers me and brings me from the darkness of the devil into His light.  With Jesus on my side, I have the greatest defense against the devil.  If the devil weasels his way in, Jesus is there waiting for him and chasing him away.  How very awesome God is!  So when you think that the groundhog, better known as the devil, is invading the garden of your heart and soul, remember you have the greatest fencing available.  You have Jesus!!  There is no greater defense.

Dearest Jesus, thank you for being my "fencing" against the devil, ensuring that he doesn't eat away at my soul.  Knowing that you are there for me brings me such comfort.  Knowing that you cover me with your mercy brings me such relief.  Knowing that you love me brings me such joy.  Thank you for being my greatest defense Jesus!  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.