Sunday, January 19, 2020

Strong & Steadfast

Snow was coming.  They called for it approximately one week ago (when the temperatures were registering 70!).  It was hard to imagine on that beautiful spring-like day that snow would grace us again.  It is New England.  We should expect it by now.  They were right!  Late yesterday afternoon, the light snowflakes graced the green landscape.  Every time I see snow, it is as if God is placing a beautiful blanket of white over us.  It is amazing to watch.

My husband and I ventured out into the snow to get a quick bite to eat.  Other parts of the country "hunker down" when they hear snow.  Not here in New England.  Yet, we could tell as the snow covered the roads, that they were getting a bit slick.  I watched the road outside our home go from black pavement, to gray, to a glistening white.  When the white covers the pavement, one really needs to be careful.  Four-wheel drive or not, slick roads can have many anxious and that means driving with much caution, much slower, and hoping we get home safely.

The morning came!  Only five or so inches fell to the ground, but it left snow behind for us to clean up.  Shovels and snow blowers started.  Snowplows moved most of the snow to the side of the road, and as the day went on, the sun melted the rest, leaving the road a strong place for us to drive on once again.

I read this verse today and thought of how that works.  There are situations that are put into our paths that cause us anxiousness, suffering, despair, and even heartache.  Life becomes a bit "slick" and we move forward in life with caution, much slower, wondering how we might be able to keep going to a safer time.  Those times in my life have felt overwhelming, as if I was "slipping and sliding" through life with little direction and much trepidation.

In walks our Savior.  With Him by our side, the suffering begins to melt and the "strong road of life" underneath us begins to emerge.  As God walks with us, guiding us through our suffering and pain, we do realize that we can continue this life safely, with Him.  While we are in the midst of suffering, we can wonder if we will ever get home - if we will ever have peace.  God assures us that with Him, we will be strong, firm and steadfast.  With Him, we will find safety and clear driving.  With Him, we will get home - to Him.  

Our Heavenly Father doesn't leave us alone when times are hard.  It may seem like that as we walk through difficult times during our lives.  Yet, those difficult times are the ones that make us strong, firm and steadfast.  It is during those times we realize we can't do this "thing called life" on our own - we need Him to help us get to safety.  Let the snowflakes remind us that He will continue to cover us with His love - each and EVERY day.

God, we thank you for never leaving us, especially during times of suffering.  We know that although times may be tough, with you by our side, we will emerge with strength, on firm ground, and covered by your steadfast love.  Help us know you are with us, God, now and forever.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.