Sunday, January 5, 2020

Good Sacrifice

When I hear the word sacrifice, I don't typically get a warm and cozy feeling on the inside.  When I hear sacrifice, I get the immediate impression that I will have to "give up" something - something outside of my comfort zone.  Sacrificing a few extra pounds - that sounds very inviting.   Sacrificing time or money or personal items I love, not as inviting.

The word sacrifice tends to have a negative connotation.  It's amazing to me that words that should be very "good" for us somehow come across negatively.  I find the same reaction when I speak the word accountable.  Being accountable is very good for us - ensuring that we will DO what we SAY we will do.  Yet, being held accountable can have the same reaction as sacrifice - not very inviting.

Many times, actions that are difficult, out of our comfort zone, or not very inviting can be the very things we need to fulfill our lives.  As our verse for today points out, when we share with others, and sacrifice some of what we have with others in need, God is pleased.  I don't know about you, but I would certainly like to please God.  It's important to do good, to share our blessings with others, and to give for those in need, in thoughts, words and deeds.  The byproduct of sacrificing tends to not just be emptying ourselves to give to others, but giving to others to fill ourselves up!

How can that possibly work?  For the same reason that God is pleased!  When we can see what others need and respond to those needs, we know that our time and actions are not in vain.  If God is pleased, I can certainly be pleased as well.  There is always someone in need, whether it be an action or our time.  Could it be that someone is suffering health issues?  Maybe sacrifice some time and bring a meal, hold their hand, or even pray for them.  Is there a community effort that can use attention?  Maybe you can rally the troops to provide for others.  Yes, you may be depleting time that is very precious to you.  In the end, you are helping another person who can't provide for themselves at the moment.  I guarantee you it will fill you up!!

We are asked by God to give to others, to love others as we would love ourselves.  Our greatest sacrifices may not be so great when we give out of love.  The sacrifice becomes less of "giving something up" and more of "filling us up" in the name of God through love.  It's a new year, a new opportunity for us to hold ourselves accountable to do what we say we are going to do.  Let's challenge each other and ourselves to sacrifice - time, talent or money, for those that need our help.  It's not a negative of giving up, it's a positive of filling up!  Are you up for a good sacrifice??

Heavenly Father, sacrificing seems to be something that we have to give up.  We ask that you help us to turn our attentions from giving up to filling up - filling ourselves up with the goodness and joy of holding ourselves accountable to helping others with our gifts.  Let us always see the importance of giving to others out of love.  In your gracious name we pray.  Amen!!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.