Sunday, January 24, 2021

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back


It got away from me.  Those best laid plans.  It seems there have been so many times in my life when I have taken two steps into my journey only to fall one step back.  I have the plan.  I laid it out.  I knew where I was headed.  Then the plans changed.  Certainly 2020 saw much of that in our lives.  Plans for family gatherings.  Plans for travel.  Plans for special dinners and big parties.  Yet, the year had different plans for us.

Those things can be disappointing, and they were for many of us.  The plans I am speaking of today are much bigger, much more impactful than disappointment.  They could be life changing.    Today I am speaking of those plans we make to rid ourselves of addictions.  Maybe it is an addiction to alcohol, or drugs or food.  We make plans of “doing the right thing”, we take the right steps forward and then something changes.  Two steps forward, one step back.

For me, it is taking a step forward in a healthy eating plan.  When I make a decision like that, I know the results will be life changing.  Yes, I hope to lose weight, but more importantly, I will feel better.  Aches and pains will go away.  I will have more energy.  I start down the path; I see the results and I gain momentum.  Then I do not take a step forward, I take a step back.  I make some poor choices.  I say, “just one” and it turns into two or three.  Two steps forward, one step back.  Unfortunately, that has happened on more than one occasion.  It can be disheartening.

We have all taken that one step back.  The good news is that there is someone waiting for us when we step back - Jesus!  He is waiting there for us, getting HIS plan ready for our steps forward.  With His grace, mercy and love waiting for us, he establishes the steps for us to get back on track.  His steps may involve a Bible verse we can hold close to us, a person that will help guide us or a situation that lets us know He is on our side.  Whatever that moment is that Jesus gives to us, let Him steer us into the right path – His path. We may have the right course – but Jesus’ steps will always prove to be the right direction.  His grace forgives us with our steps back and His love moves us with His steps forward.  Have simple faith that He is always there for you.

Dearest Jesus, thank you for always being there when I take a step back from a positive journey.  Help to turn my steps toward you – finding the right direction for me.  Give me the necessary steps in my life to begin my course again, with you by my side.  Amen!

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.