Sunday, April 16, 2023

Hand in Hand


Being independent has always been extremely important to me.  “I can handle this all on my own, I don’t need anyone’s help,” has certainly run through my head more than I care to admit.   Independency is not a terrible thing.  Having the ability to rely on yourself is important as we walk through life.  Yet, taking it too far can yield to disastrous results.  Trust me, I know.  When I have put blinders on to the fact that I need help, my world has spiraled (and not in a good way).  Sleepless nights and overeating resulted.  Of course, the occasional lashing out didn’t help the relationships around me.

I need help!  You need help!  We all need help!  The question we all need to ask ourselves is where do we go for our help?  Finding help through online shopping, medications, alcohol, or overeating are the wrong places to go.  Just as destructive can be complaining about or reliving the situation you are in with anyone who will listen.  The constant sharing of the situation can continue to build hopelessness with each word you speak.  Once our need for independence hits our physical bodies, financial conditions or our mental state, it is time to seek help beyond our own means.

When MY need for independence becomes too much, I turn to God’s word, and this verse falls into my hands, literally.  Isaiah 41:13 has been my go-to when life has gotten to me!  There are times I need to be reminded that we have not been put on this earth to walk it alone.  We have our Heavenly Father with us every minute of every day.  He is there to help, to guide, to trust.  He is there for the moments when we say, “I can’t do this anymore,” as he responds, “I’ve got you.”  The number of times I have fallen to my knees in prayer, asking for his help, are truly too numerous to count.  He has ALWAYS responded.

I have always prayed for that grandiose spectacle – that answer to prayer that was larger than life.  For some, that happens.  For me, God shows up on a smaller, more intimate scale.  I’m beginning to see the beauty in the smaller aspect.  At those moments of despair, my husband will have a dinner made for me when I get home, or my mom will share a special verse that touches my soul, or my coworkers will say, “What can I do to help?”.  Those angel moments make me realize that God’s help comes in so many ways. 

Putting our hands in God’s hands, realizing the magnitude of his grace and love, can be a starting point for our dependence on Him.  He will always be there for us, never leaving us, and never letting us fall to where we can’t get up again.  When you need that hope, put your right hand in God’s.  Take a walk with Him and let Him help you.  Not only does that make God happy – I guarantee your simple faith in Him will bring you peace.

Heavenly Father, thank you for extending your hand when I can’t do it alone anymore.  Help me to see you are ALWAYS there for me, waiting for me to say, “Help”!  Bring me direction and peace.  Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Susan, today’s message seemed like it was written for me and really resonated. Thank you for sharing your walk with faith as I continue to navigate my own in this very difficult time.


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.