Sunday, April 2, 2023

Lenten Burden


Burdens.  I am very certain that we have all carried our share.  As I reflect writing this message, I think over the burdens of my life, things that have weighed me down not only physically and mentally but have hit my soul as well.  How many times have you said to yourself, "I feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders - and my shoulders feel it!"  

Burdens can be difficult to manage.  Many times our burdens can be a result of others' situations - a loved one who is ill, a situation at work that increases your workload, a major house project that needs attention.  Past the physical aspect of burden there is also the emotional aspect - a difficult relationship or a friend or family member who hasn't found Jesus.  The burdens shared above, both physical and emotional in nature, tend to be outward facing; they are the type of burdens that others may shed upon you.

What about the burdens we manifest on our own?  Guilt and shame are two areas where we can create our own burden!  Living with the guilt and shame of our words, thoughts and actions can have us 'carrying the world' day and night.  We are sinful people.  There is not a day that goes by when we do not sin.   That load can be the heaviest of all.  There are many sins in my life where the guilt and shame were carried for years!  It can seem as if our burdens are too much for us to bear and releasing them is unimaginable.  My friends, there is Good News!  

Our sinful burdens are released and have been carried by another.  Our guilt and shame is replaced by love and joy.  Our empty souls are filled again!  The love of our Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all time - the gift of love that led to the gift of forgiveness.  When Jesus took that cross upon His back and walked to Golgotha, He took each and every one of our sins with Him.  On that cross was our guilt and our shame.  On that cross was every sin we ever committed. His pain and great suffering were each of our sins, bearing upon Him.  That picture should bring us to our knees in repentance.  Yet, also on that cross was where our sins are no more.  "For I will be merciful towards their iniquities, and I will remember their sin no more."  1 John 1:9 ESV  

Our sinful burdens can only be released one way, that is through having faith and love for Jesus along with the repentance of our sins.  When someone receives Jesus as their Savior, they are receiving all of Jesus' forgiveness.  It's not just forgiveness for the little sins - but for ALL of the big and dirty sins as well.  In Jesus, our sins are no more.  Release your burden of guilt and shame.  Give your sins to Jesus, for He has already forgiven you.  When we meet Him in heaven, we will have a clean book, no sins will be registered.  This certainly fills my soul!  May you have a blessed Holy Week.

Dearest Jesus, I thank you for bearing my sinful burdens.  Your walk to Golgotha carried all of my sin and shame.  That should have been my walk, but your love of me is so great that you took on that horrible burden for all the world.  May I never forget your goodness.  Amen.

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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.