Thursday, May 2, 2013

Driving Signs

There are those moments in your life, when you have reached your limits and don't know where else to turn. They may come from financial burdens, grief/loss, work situations, health concerns, etc.  Yet, when we have reached those moments in our lives, we simply need to turn heavenward - reach out to God for guidance, patience, and hope.  Of course, if we went there FIRST, our burdens would not seem as heavy, our path would be shared earlier, and our journey would always be heavenward.  I have been a lifelong Christian, and I am still learning to focus and share my cares with God earlier for a more Stress Free Life.

I believe our Dear Lord has shared many life-changing moments with me.  These moments have been small treasures from heaven.  Yet, it was when I was going through much crisis in my life that I wanted to really HEAR from God - I wanted him to stop me in my tracks and really TALK to me.  Other people had that opportunity.  Friends had shared with me how they believed God truly talked to them.  I wanted that so much, to truly feel moved in such a real way, by our Lord.

As always, our Lord did not disappoint me.  Parenting is not an easy part of life.  There are certainly the great moments that I have truly cherished, first steps, first days of school, confirmations, graduations, proms, etc.  All of them are wonderful childhood "rights of passage".  As a parent, we look forward to those moments.  What they forget to tell you about is the trials and tribulations that stand strong throughout a child's life, especially those teenage years.

That is where one of my darkest moments took me.  One of my daughters and I were having a difficult time. We weren't seeing eye to eye and there was much discourse in our relationship.  Hurtful things were said and hearts were broken.  I was up all night worrying how to fix the situation - how do I gain our relationship back again.  As I set out for work in the morning, through many tears in the car, I asked God for a sign, what could I do to make things better.  As I shared earlier, he didn't disappoint me.

Though all my tears I looked at the car next to me on the highway.  There, on the license plate, it said, "TRSTGD".  I couldn't believe it - He actually TALKED to me.  Oh wait, it gets better.  I looked at the billboard, the one I pass all the time for work, and there, in big white letters it said, "FORGIVE".  As tears of joy rushed down my face, I realized it was time - time to forgive and trust that God would help mend our broken relationship.  And He TALKED to me!!!  The joy of both things is with me to this day - over two years later.  I will cherish that moment, and know that I experienced exactly what I needed from God at that time.  What I needed was Simple Faith.  Jesus had forgiven me for my sins, I needed to do the same.  It was a truly blessed day that I remember every time I go to work.  Peace, Joy, Simple Faith.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."  (NIV)Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

  1. Susan, I love how you called life-changing moments "small treasures from heaven". I believe they are, too, and I'm so thankful for them! Thank you for sharing your treasure with us today.


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God has always tugged at my heart to write for others. This blog provides the opportunity to share my faith with the world. I am honored that you have visited the blog and hope you return.